Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Can I ask you something without you getting offended?"

So much has happened since the last time I wrote, I'm sure, because it's been like forever. Please forgive me. Anyway, I needed to write tonight because I'm going crazy from dealing with someone...Hang on a second...I've lost my mind so much that I've been messing around on my computer for over an hour with my headphones in and no music going. Fuck. The mind is the first thing to go, huh? 

Okay, I have Imagine Dragons drowning out Phoenix's snores...Here's my dilemma--I finally got an assignment at work, which means I'm running a team. I joke that it's a baby team because most leaders have between 12-18 people on their teams and I have five...And one of them is on leave. No joke. I'm not complaining too much though because it's easy to work so few people. Anyway, they're pretty good people...But this one girl is killing my will to live. The other night I found myself stabbing my wrist with a plastic fork in hopes of not having to listen to her anymore, but no dice...The fucking plastic tines broke. Stupid plastic fork! Okay, that didn't really happen, but she's driving me nuts. I can't discuss too much here, just in case, but I want to talk about a conversation we had tonight that nearly drove me over the edge of sanity...And let's face it--it's not a far drive because I'm usually teetering on the edge anyway!

I was talking after we were all clocked out with a woman on the team who is a bit older. She was talking about her kids and leaving her husband (this happened a while back). She explained that her ex was very abusive and such. I told her that I got it and that I'd had an abusive father. After we finished our conversation, the other girl asked, "Do you talk to your dad at all?" I said, "Nope. It's better that way." She then asked, "Can I ask you something without you getting offended or sending me off to HR?" I shrugged as I asked, "Are you going to ask if I'm gay because I don't like my dad?" She then said, "Well yeah. I mean, it's a proven fact that if you have a bad relationship with your dad you could be a lesbian."

First of all, if you start off a conversation with, "Can I ask you something without you getting offended?" you probably shouldn't ask the fucking question. But clearly it's my fault for being within earshot of this girl and breathing, right? Second, if you're going to tell a lesbian that she's gay because of her shitty relationship with her asshole father, you should probably have your facts together to back your shit up.
Since I'm in a leadership role, I couldn't come back with any of the sarcastic things that ran through my head like, "It's not my shitty relationship with my dad that makes me gay...It's my love of boobs and pussy that makes me a lesbian." *grins* Okay, I wouldn't really say that out loud ever...but I can put that in writing. haha! Seriously though...I also couldn't say, "It's my love of women that makes me gay." Instead, I said, "I had a good relationship with my grandpa. I've also had healthy relationships with other guys as friends and such. I'm not a man hater...I'm just attracted to girls." She gave me a weird look. I went on, "Don't get me wrong...I can appreciate a good looking guy too...I just don't want to do anything with them. Like Channing Tatum could come do my yard work or work on my truck and I'll sit out there and watch him because he's nice to look at, but I don't want to bring him inside to do anything." Again, she opened her mouth to insist that in some cases people are gay because of their relationships with their parents and the woman I'd been talking to before jumped on her ass and put her in her place by saying, "I have three cousins who are gay. Two women and one man. All of them have had great relationships with their parents. They're just born that way just like some people have freckles or red hair or are blonde, some people end up tall and others are short. Some are straight and some are gay. It is what it is." I refrained from high fiving her and saying, "Yeah, bitch." Instead, I headed out with them to leave for the night because by that time she was off too. I just didn't say anything else except, "Have a good night."

Really though, what makes people think it's okay to ask such stupid questions? I mean, fuck. How did you know you were straight? Are you straight because you had a great relationship with both of your parents? It doesn't even make sense. *rolls eyes* I really wish I didn't have to bite my tongue so often...I feel as though the world would be a better place if I spoke my mind. *sigh* Thank you for letting me vent.