1) Is it too much to ask that people have a basic grasp of grammar when posting stuff on Facebook or any other site for that matter? Yes, I know...Typos happen. Shit, I sometimes make mistakes too. However, when you consistently use the wrong your/you're and they're/there/their you piss me off to the point where I want to plow you down with my truck. By the way, "ur" is not a fucking word. Don't post that shit. Every time you make a grammar mistake a kitty gets taken out...Think about that next time you type your/you're.
2) I am damn tired of everyone with a camera thinking they're a photographer. I have a camera on my iPhone and sometimes take pics...Doesn't mean I think I should hang up my hat at my day job and call myself a photographer! I've seen children take better pics. I see this all over Facebook and at work. People are like, "Check out this picture! Isn't it amazing!?" And I'm over here like, "Ummm...I think I hear my mom calling me for dinner." And then I quickly leave the situation before people remind me that she's in Cali and I'm in Phoenix. For reals though...Just because you can pick up a paintbrush doesn't mean you're the next Picasso! I like to paint, but I would never think I was good enough to sell my stuff or to offer to paint pictures for people. I mean, if you really wanted to, I might, but probably not.
3) How in the fuck does anyone spend every single fucking day at Starbucks or out shopping or sitting around being lazy fucks? I mean, let's be real--it's total bullshit. Why don't you become an active participant in society? I sure as hell don't want to pay for your Starbucks habit! In fact, I work my ass off being a slave to the man and I had to cut back how much Starbucks I buy...so tell me how you--you who NEVER works-- drinks the shit every fucking day!! How do you get to go swimming everyday? How do you go shopping all the fucking time? How do you never have anything productive to do? I don't even get days off because I have responsibilities! You know what I "get" to do...I get to watch an episode or two of a show on Netflix after my long ass day of dealing with work and BEING AN ADULT!!
4) I'm going to say something really horrible right now, so you may want to cover your eyes...Kids are jerks. Kids suck the life out of you. They prevent you from sleeping. They eat your food. They make you give up your days off to entertain them because it's summer and it's just how it's supposed to go. They fight until you want to pull your hair out. They have the unique ability to make words like "mine" go on for ten minutes "mmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee!" You know I'm not lying. Anyone with kids know these things are all true. And somehow when they come give you a hug or tell you that they love you it makes it all worth it. However, 98% of the time I want to pull my hair out. Anyway, so we agree kids are jerks. All kids are jerks. There are NO perfect kids out there. On Facebook though I constantly see pictures of people's "princesses" or "little angels." Who're you kidding? Don't play like you wanted those Sharpie marks on your wall. This isn't an art show. I'm sure you didn't ask for that nail polish on the carpet either, but it's there. Let's all just agree that all kids are jerks. Sometimes our kids are good and that's all right to share, but don't lie. If you have more than one kids, they fight. I am just so damn tired of seeing these posts.
Yes, there's always the option that I could just go through and delete all these people from my page and my life, but it doesn't work that way...You can't delete people from your life as neatly as you can delete them from Facebook. And usually I can overlook all the bullshit above, but today I have a headache and I've just had it.
In completely unrelated news to people of the world driving me fucking bonkers, does anyone know when the next Disney musical comes out? I think it's time to let Frozen go...