Here's Taboo sleeping on the couch this afternoon.
Seriously...That can't be comfy.
A little while ago Phoenix was doing laundry. She took the clothes out of the dryer and then went to go clean out the lint filter when she saw this:
Really? A kitty in the dryer? I just don't know what the hell she's thinking. A few weeks ago I was taking a nap when I suddenly heard a loud splash. I was like, "What the hell was that?" I flew out of bed and found the cat running out of the bathroom, shaking off her legs as she went, dripping wet. I flipped on the bathroom light and saw the cat had fallen into the toilet. Apparently her obsession with watching the water go round and round when flushing it had been taken to a new level...Stupid cat. She still plays on the toilet though.
I guess the strangest thing about her is that she talks back and bitches me out every chance she gets. Seriously, the cat talks back. If she's attacking me and I tell her "NO!" or spray her with the spray bottle, she will walk off meowing at me, but not in a normal way...It's more like grumbling. And sometimes, when she's really mad, she will walk away from me and then stop, turn around, and swat the air at me, meow, and then walk off. I swear she's giving me "the paw" her version of the bird. And Phoenix tries to tell me, "She's a sweet kitten!!" Sweet, my ass. She's evil!!
On a side note, Pheonix thinks the cat is mean to me because I once told Taboo, "Your mother was an alley cat!! And she only had a one night stand with your daddy! She didn't even know his name!" I wasn't telling lies!! I guess that wasn't a good bedtime story for the kitten though...C'mon, she didn't understand...did she?
Now you know where all the lint in the dryer comes from...drying the cat.