Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm surrounded by idiots!!

Most would think that to work at Walmart (of any kind, be it a super center, market, etc), you need not be the "brightest crayon in the box", right? Well, this is proved nearly daily when I go in to work...

Yesterday, I went on my fifteen minute break at almost 6pm because it had been pretty busy in the deli, plus the one manager had piled on a bunch of extra work I was trying to plow through. Anyway, I bought a Sprite and went to sit outside where the cool kids, er, um, I mean where the smokers hang out. Mostly, I sit out there because I hate that the break room is right next to the managers' offices. I don't want to be near those bastards when I'm "relaxing". Well, yesterday, the manager, Smokey, was out there along with the cart-boy. (The one who's messing around with the other assistant manager.) They were out there chatting about some nonsense when I sat down. As I sat there, Cart-Boy starts reading off headlines from the news from his phone (He wasn't even on a damn break!! He was supposed to be getting carts, but he can't seem to handle that!) and he says something about some terrorist. Then I had to listen to the two of them discuss terrorism. Smokey--"I just don't get how people act like that. I mean, why would people do that?" Seriously, lady? I think we all know why they do it--Ridiculous religious beliefs. (Sorry, but I think I would pass on being a part of a religion that required me to kill myself for the "greater good". I'm good being a heathen.) I kept quiet though because I knew I couldn't add anything to their conversation that they would understand. Then Cart-Boy says, "Oh look. It's still snowing in Florida." I then said it's crazy how cold it is down south. Smokey (who apparently cannot keep her mouth shut) said, "I heard about that. And here we have that guy, what's his name? Al Gore?" I calmly swallowed my mouthful of soda before asking what he had to do with the conversation. She said, "He was trying to get everyone to believe in that stuff...What was it called? Something about the hot earth. Saying that we are hurting the air." (Phoenix will tell you I'm some sort of snob when it comes to intelligence because I don't deal well with people who aren't as smart as me. That's not true...I just happen to value intelligence and I cannot stand stupidity. If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're a bad bullshitter, then shut up!) I then put in, "You mean Global Warming?" She said, "YES! He's so full of crap! If the earth was hotter, then why on earth has it been so cold in parts of the country." I started, "No, it's true. All the pollution is destroying the atmosphere, which is causing problems. Like the ice caps are melting and because of that, things are getting screwed up. Not to mention that the slightest changes in one area, greatly affect weather in other areas." (C'mon, everyone knows the Butterfly Effect.) It was at this point in time that I realized I was arguing with idiots because they both jumped all over me. "No, Heather," Smokey says, "The ice caps melt all the time. It's normal. They'll come back." Cart-Boy said, "Yeah, Heather. Didn't you learn about that in science in high school?" I started to open my mouth again, but realized it wasn't worth it. Instead, I listened to them say that the amount of pollution in the air doesn't hurt anything and that Al Gore and other people who are encouraging a greener environment are crazy. *starts to drool as eyes glaze over and I begin to babble incoherently*

Smokey finally walked off to go back to work, leaving me with Cart-Boy. (I'm not sure what this other manager sees in him...He's as dumb as a box of rocks.) Cart-Boy then says, "Lamborghinis are my favorite cars. Look, I have a picture on my phone." He did indeed have a picture of a red Lamborghini on his phone. I simply said, "Oh. Those are nice cars." I called my break over five minutes early because I couldn't stand sitting there any longer.

Sadly enough, the cake was taken by a cashier who I think is nice when I was coming back from my dinner break and I walking back in the store with my cup of coffee from QT. (I'm not really a coffee drinker, but I hate hot tea and the hot liquid felt fabulous on my sore throat.) "Hey Heather! Got coffee there?" she asked, pointing to my Styrofoam-type cup (I know--I'm not helping the environment, but I don't have a travel coffee cup!). I replied, "Nope. It's my White Russian, but I had to hide it since they don't allow me to drink on the job!" *rolls eyes* Not really. I simply nodded and walked away before I handed her a sign that read, "Idiot" to wear around her neck...

I don't know how much longer I can stand working there...They are killing me and my will to live.


  1. yep, you work with idiots, it must be part of the training for walmart,, they have them out here too.,jeanne

  2. Thanks for the confirmation...I'm not sure I feel better, but I'm glad to know others have realized it too!!
