Okay, so, it's been a week since I did the "unthinkable" and got my face pierced. I honestly don't know what the big deal is about it...Personally, I think it's cool. I've gotten a wide array of reactions, from, "What possessed you to do that?" (It's funny when your mother and a friend both ask the same thing.) all the way to, "Did you ask if you can have that?" (Yes, co-worker, I called my mommy and asked before getting it done. *rolls eyes* By the way, I didn't call the assistant manager and ask her either.), to "I think it looks cute on you." Whatever. You people are crazy. And for the record, mom, I can't drool out of it or spit water out of it...You know, in case you were wondering...Not that I've tried. *shifty eyes* Don't give me that look!! Phoenix made me try!
Moving on...So, last Friday night, at around midnight, I was getting ready to go to bed. I had had my piercing for a whopping thirty-six or so hours. I was brushing my teeth and the back of the piercing when I suddenly heard, "TINK!" in the bathroom sink. I tried to hurry and shut off the water because I knew what it was--the ball!! SHIT! I was too late; it had gone down the drain. I had no idea what to do. I had gotten the 16g piercing instead of the 14g because I didn't want it to be big...However, had I gotten the 14g, I would've had spare balls to put on since Phoenix's tongue piercing is 14g as is my helix piercing. Of course that would've been too easy though. After searching the apartment for something to hold the damn piercing in place until morning when I could go to Hot Topic or somewhere to buy a new ball, all we came up with was a freakin' eraser...You know, like the old earring trick when you lose a back. I was so not happy about this. Phoenix, however, loved it. So much so that she took pictures.

As I laid in bed after this, sulking about how the universe hates me and how my mother would say something to the effect of, "It's a sign that you shouldn't have your face pierced!", I then wondered if the eraser would stay on...So, I got up and put a band-aid over the whole entire thing because I didn't want to lose the piercing and we all know how quickly the mouth heals. (When I took out my tongue piercing, it only took 8 hours to close up the center part so that I couldn't put it back through.) Again, Phoenix, after giggling so hard I was half-convinced she was going to wet herself, pulled out her phone and snapped another picture.

For those of you wondering why on earth I let her snap a picture of me in my bed-time state (meaning- no make up, hair sloppily thrown up in a pony tail, and a wife beater), well, it's because she said, "You know you need these pictures for the blog...It's for the sake of the blog, Heather." BAH! How dare her use my blog against me! But yeah...I suppose the pics help so you see just how ridiculous I looked...
In the morning, I took off the eraser, cleaned the entire thing and then headed to Hot Topic. I bought a package of the studs so I have extra balls now...Although, the one I have on now keeps falling off. I tried so hard to tighten it, but apparently, I'm not tightening it enough...And no, mom, it's not a sign. Anyway, I hope you all laughed it up.
I went on Sunday to lunch at Ah-So with Phoenix, her niece Grumpy, Grumpy's daughter Cutie Pie, and Phoenix's mom. Ah-So is one of those teppanyaki places. I love watching those guys cook...Well, the ones besides the guy we got who was new at it. It took a long time and nothing was timed that well. Plus, no real tricks. Bah! Oh well. The food was FABULOUS!
After this, we went to the mall to get a new tongue bar for Phoenix. She took hers out like two weeks ago to clean it and realized it wasn't in the best of condition, so she needed a new one. Anyway, we went to Hot Topic and found one. Of course, they had their stuff on sale for buy one, get one half off, so I then decided I desperately needed a new hoop for my cartilage piercing in my ear. I've had a plain silver hoop in it and it's just so boring. I loved the rainbow hoop I'd had before, but I have no idea what happened to it after I took it out for student teaching. (I didn't want the kids to know I'm gay...Phoenix says they knew anyway because even blind people know I'm gay...She loves me, I swear.) Anyway, I ended up with a small package of semi-hoops with points on them and they're silver and lavender. I should've paid closer attention when buying them because these hoops were like 10 times larger than the one I had! It hurt like a mo-fo to put in!! I had to have Grumpy do it because I couldn't do it to myself and Phoenix refused to help. Let me just say that it was like repiercing my ear again, only in slow motion and by a girl holding a sleeping baby!! Nice, huh? Yeah, I thought so too. In the end, we got it in and I've been dealing with the pain.
Okay, so maybe not 10 times bigger, but look...

PS: My camera phone takes shitty pics...Still, you can see the difference in thickness...
After the mall, we found a tattoo shop to get Grumpy's tongue pierced. Whilst there, I refrained from getting pierced or tatted, but mostly only because I was broke. Phoenix wanted me to pierce my tongue again, but I said no because I hated biting it so much when I first got it before. Plus, I used to play with mine far too much. I'm also not ballsy enough to get anything pierced that requires the removal of clothing. So, we left there with Phoenix telling me I'm a wussy. I had considered getting my Labret done, but again, I was broke. Once home, Phoenix was like, "You're not down. You won't do it!" Seriously? What are we, five? I'm not a wussy, nor am I able to back down from a challenge...

Yup, I got my labret pierced. Yes, I seriously pierced my face...It hurt a bit, but it's all good now.
The moral of the story is this...Don't call me a wussy. lol Seriously though...Don't tell my mom; I think she's going to flip out. I didn't even warn her about this one like I did every other time I've gotten pierced...
I keep meaning to blog because so many crazy things have happened, but then I get home and I sit on the couch and that's the end of that...lol I haven't been writing much of anything lately...I'm going to try harder though.
So, the other day (Maybe last week or something...I don't know.) this woman comes into work and was looking at the meat case as I walked into the deli and was washing my hands to start my shift. The old Russian woman who was there saw me, then saw the woman, and quickly claimed, "It's my time! I go now!" Yes, this is said in a thick accent and makes me giggle every time. She then tells the woman it's her time and she's going now, so the woman says, "Okay." Even though it was ten minutes until three, the Russian shot off out of the deli. Another girl was working, but claimed she was too busy to help the customer. This left only me. So, I go to the front as I'm tying on my apron and putting on my gloves (Yes, I'm multi-talented.). This is how our exchange went...
Me- "Can I help you, ma'am?"
Her- "Yes. Can I see the golden roasted turkey?"
Me- A little confused, "You want to see it?"
Her- "Yes. Show me the meat you would cut if I asked for it."
Me- "Okay." I show her the meat.
Her- "No, that looks horrible and I would end up with the end of it. It's dry." (It's covered in plastic, like three times over because someone was a bit overzealous in their wrapping; she couldn't see shit!) "Let me see the chicken."
Me- "Here's the chicken."
Her- "No! That's even worse! Look at the fat in it!" (I'm not sure it was fat, but it didn't look all that fabulous.) "How about the low sodium turkey?"
Me- Sighing on the inside, "Yes, ma'am."
It took another three or so meats before she finally decided on one she liked. I cut her a pound or so of it, very, very thinly sliced, of course.
Me- "Can I get you anything else?" (After cutting her meat.)
Her- "Yes, a pound of baby Swiss thinly sliced."
Me- As I pull the cheese out to hold it up to her, I ask, "Do you want to see it first?"
Her- looks at me as though I'm crazy, "No. Why would I want to see it?"
Me- sigh of exasperation
Okay, seriously, WTF? She wanted to see everything, but then acts like I'm nuts for asking if she wants to see the cheese!! I was happy to see her leave after all that...
I had an old man come in last Friday who was asking for some stuff we didn't have. (What the hell is garlic bologna? It sounds gross.) He then asks, "Hey, you guys hiring?" I said I didn't know, but explained how he could apply. As we chatted, he said, "I couldn't work in the deli. I bet you get some real asshole customers in here. It's okay, you can tell me if I'm right." I grinned and nodded. He said, "I knew it! People comes along and bitch that the meat isn't thin enough or too thin! I couldn't do it!" I felt a little bit better that day knowing that at least one of our customers knows that people are assholes and treat us deli girls like crap...
On a side note, after having four consecutive days off, I went back to work yesterday and found out that Smokey got switched with another manager so she's no longer our manager in the deli. I mean, she's still a manager, but she's not making our schedules anymore. Want to hear something crazy? The week after next, which is the first week the schedule isn't written by Smokey, I have thirty hours again...In fact, it is clearly a fair written schedule. Of course my fears of favoritism were wrong though, yet mysteriously after mentioning this to the store manager, she is taken away...Hmm...I'm sure it's just a co-winky-dink though. *rolls eyes*