Moving on...So, last Friday night, at around midnight, I was getting ready to go to bed. I had had my piercing for a whopping thirty-six or so hours. I was brushing my teeth and the back of the piercing when I suddenly heard, "TINK!" in the bathroom sink. I tried to hurry and shut off the water because I knew what it was--the ball!! SHIT! I was too late; it had gone down the drain. I had no idea what to do. I had gotten the 16g piercing instead of the 14g because I didn't want it to be big...However, had I gotten the 14g, I would've had spare balls to put on since Phoenix's tongue piercing is 14g as is my helix piercing. Of course that would've been too easy though. After searching the apartment for something to hold the damn piercing in place until morning when I could go to Hot Topic or somewhere to buy a new ball, all we came up with was a freakin' eraser...You know, like the old earring trick when you lose a back. I was so not happy about this. Phoenix, however, loved it. So much so that she took pictures.
As I laid in bed after this, sulking about how the universe hates me and how my mother would say something to the effect of, "It's a sign that you shouldn't have your face pierced!", I then wondered if the eraser would stay on...So, I got up and put a band-aid over the whole entire thing because I didn't want to lose the piercing and we all know how quickly the mouth heals. (When I took out my tongue piercing, it only took 8 hours to close up the center part so that I couldn't put it back through.) Again, Phoenix, after giggling so hard I was half-convinced she was going to wet herself, pulled out her phone and snapped another picture.
For those of you wondering why on earth I let her snap a picture of me in my bed-time state (meaning- no make up, hair sloppily thrown up in a pony tail, and a wife beater), well, it's because she said, "You know you need these pictures for the blog...It's for the sake of the blog, Heather." BAH! How dare her use my blog against me! But yeah...I suppose the pics help so you see just how ridiculous I looked...
In the morning, I took off the eraser, cleaned the entire thing and then headed to Hot Topic. I bought a package of the studs so I have extra balls now...Although, the one I have on now keeps falling off. I tried so hard to tighten it, but apparently, I'm not tightening it enough...And no, mom, it's not a sign. Anyway, I hope you all laughed it up.
I swallowed my ball early on too. They didn't pierce it where I wanted it anyway, so I sort of gave up on the whole thing. But as I always say, it's never to late to poke more holes in your face or other random body parts - get creative! And be sure to e-mail Heather with lots of pics!
ReplyDeleteok, this is Vegas Heather, I know she talks to herself all the time, but this is not one of those (frequent) times. The last post was courtesy of the cool Heather...just so we're clear
ReplyDeleteBrave girl(woman)...I agree with tell grandma!LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Aunt Rene'e, I won't have to tell Grandma--she'll just see it. I'm going to buy a stud that lights up and flashes so everyone sees it. LOL Just kidding!!
ReplyDeleteVegas Heather- Thanks for clarifying that for once I was not talking to myself. lol