Monday, September 20, 2010

I can't even have fake good luck...

I went to the dentist on Friday, which made my Friday a wonderful freakin' day!! I know, who says, "Yay! I'm going to the dentist!! It's going to be a great day!"? Yeah, I don't know either...What I do know is that work was hell when I got there, so leaving for my appointment was WONDERFUL! And yes, I just sang "WONDERFUL!" like a a super gay man. Oh shut up. Let me tell you a little secret I learned on Friday...I cannot do my job when our servers go down. We tried to do our jobs without being able to look up accounts, but that didn't last for long. Our calls were routed to another call center until they sort of got our stuff going again. We sat around for over an hour without calls and then slowly got them back. By the time I left at 11:30, it was back up and running and we were playing catch up. I was happy to leave, even with the prospect of having to be possibly drilled (not in a good way) by the dentist.

So, I went to see my singing dentist. I'm not kidding. This dude sings with anything on the radio, even commercials. I explained to him what was going on. He took a look at the teeth by the gum that's been giving me problems and then proceeded to say, "Let's take an X-ray." Little did I know this meant, "Let's shove a rubber toothpick into your gums to take this X-Ray." Oh yeah, I'm not kidding! Now, my gums were hurting and there was that stupid bump, but he didn't seem to care. He used this thing as a sort of "marker" to show him where the possible infection was. So, after sitting with my head on the ground and my feet high in the air with this rubber thing shoved into my gum (I know, it sounds like I'm describing a good Friday night. I mean, throw in a few margaritas and we'll call it a good time. But no, this was my trip to the dentist.) for like twenty minutes, the assistant finally came to take the X-ray. She took her dear sweet time taking the damn thing and didn't seem to care that it was taking everything in me not to gag. I hate those freakin' X-rays!! Finally, she was done and the dentist came back. The good news was--No drilling! No broken teeth or anything. Hooray! Instead, I have a freakin' gum infection. I'm not sure how I got it, but he gave me these wicked strong antibiotics and we're hoping that takes care of it. Of course, we know I had to ask, "What happens if these don't work?" He cheerfully said, "Well, then we'll have to cut into your gums, peel them back, and see what's going on in there." SAY WHAT!? How can one even say that in a cheerful voice? How could he smile at me like that? I decided then that the antibiotics would work. They will work...Won't they? I'll take drilling my tooth and doing a fucking root canal over CUTTING OPEN MY GUMS! What a sick bastard...Who even says that? "Oh, we'll just cut open your gums and peel them back." It was like he was saying, "Oh, we'll go get a cup of tea and some crumpets."

Now what does everyone do after this sort of visit to the dentist? That's right, they go get their drink on! Okay, maybe not everyone, but I sure as hell did! We went to Phoenix's dad's 60th birthday party. It was pretty cool. A ton of his family showed up, which was awesome for him. They even got a black jack dealer, so we played black jack for a while with fake money. I just want to point out that even when playing with fake money, I cannot come out ahead. Perhaps I shouldn't have been betting $100 a hand, but still...It's just bullshit. I can't even have fake good luck!! *shakes fist at sky while saying, "Stupid universe!"* Four margaritas later, Phoenix was saying it was time to go home. I was okay with that. I was also okay with sitting in the kitchen watching her nieces, nephews, and sort of sister-in-law dance around to loud music from an ipod and taping them on my new phone. Kids are freakin' silly!! Of course, it was funnier because they kept singing to me, which made my buzzed self laugh slightly harder than I normally would've. I had a great time. I almost forgot about my job and how people were so pissed off at me. I also almost forgot about my gum infection and the idea of cutting open my gums to peel them back to see what was going on...Almost. Perhaps another few margaritas and I would've forgotten everything...including my name. *grins* I totally needed that! Nothing like a little tequila to take a girl's mind off life. The funniest thing that happened all night was when I was making myself another margarita and some guy asked if I could make one for his mom. I said, "Sure!" I made her a damn good margarita, then made mine. When I returned to Phoenix, I told her about how I had to make a drink for some dude's mom. She asked, "Who?" I said, "I don't know. Some dude named Micheal. He said his mom wanted a margarita." Apparently, Mike's mom is THE mom in the family...She's everyone's grandma, or in this case, everyone's Nana. Had I known I was making a drink for the ruler of the family, I might've tried to make it even better. Oh well...Hope she liked it. *grins* This is the problem with becoming part of a ginormous Mexican family--I don't know who half the people are. Had I seen Nana, I would've known, but she was in the other Oh well.

So, today at Barnes and Noble, I saw something I absolutely must have. It's Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly. OMG!! I need this!! I have Wizard of Oz, Pixar, Disney, etc...I MUST have this one...Not at the $39.95 price tag, but I desperately need it for my collection of Monopoly...You know what's funny? I FUCKING hate Monopoly. No other game on the face of the planet makes me want to flip the board over half way through the game and say, "Fuck this shit!" as much as Monopoly. No other game has caused me more problems and more anger than this game...Yet I collect it. I probably have issues, huh? Whatever. That's neither here nor there. If you come across this game whilst thinking, "What shall I buy my good buddy Heather for Christmas?" then by all means, buy me the game!! I would love you forever and ever!! No, not you, but you and you and you...and maybe you. *grins* It looks amazing. I want it. And I never want anything...Except that blue electric guitar at Sam Ash. I must teach myself to play guitar. Whatever. I have to go now. It's bedtime for old ladies like me. Deuces!

1 comment:

  1. Do NOT buy this game, you have a good chance of Santa bringing you this for Christmas, a much better chance than receiving the blue electric guitar from Sam Ash. According to Phoenix you have been a VERY good girl, I am not quite sure what she meant by that, nor do I dare ask.
    Love and rockets~ mommy
