Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who am I to argue with an expert?

I know I should blog more often, but I've been exhausted lately and just can't seem to motivate myself. I had planned on writing a couple a few days ago when we were in Sedona, but we would've had to pay for internet and, let's face it, I'm a Jew with my money! Hey, don't get offended!! I really am a Jew, so I can say this. It's like how black people can call each other "nigga" and it's all good. So, yeah, I'm too tight with my money to spend like $8 for 24 hours worth of internet. I mean, we already pay a fortune to have it at home and on our phones...Why in the hell do I need it for my laptop while we're on vacation, right? Anyway, let me tell you some of the craziness that has ensued since last we spoke...

I had a co-worker from one of our other sites call to me to ask if perhaps customer service could help with a particular situation. I said, "Well, what's going on?" She asked me to hear her out. She went on to explain that she had a card member on the line who is carrying a rather large balance with us and pays hundreds of dollars each month in finance charges and has for a long time. (He only pays the minimum payment.) He wanted our company to help him out so he could pay off more of the outstanding balance. Ummm...What? Yeah, so he didn't want a settlement or anything like that, which would show up on his credit report. He wanted help with the interest he keeps paying. Again, he didn't ask for the rate to be reduced...The woman said, "He wants us to refund him some of what he's paid us and apply if towards his balance. So, I asked him for an exact amount because he kept hinting. He said $10,000." I nearly fell out of my chair I started laughing so hard. Really? Like I'm going to be all, "Oh, of course I can take care of this. Let's just write off $10,000 of the money he owes us!" I was dying. Who the fuck asks for that? I'm going to call up Sallie Mae and tell them that after all the years of them harassing me and threatening me when I couldn't pay that I would like them to credit my account with them by $10,000 and see what happens. I have $5 that says my call gets "dropped" in mid sentence. I'm just saying...$10,000, oh man, that's awesome! In the end, I said I couldn't help, but pointed her in the direction of a supervisor who might have some better words on how to break the news that we weren't going to credit his account that much.

One of my favorite calls, which wasn't mine was from a co-worker who got stuck talking to a big jackass. He refused to give her his card number and wouldn't cooperate at all, all the while demanding to speak to a supervisor. Apparently, he had been disconnected on his last call and was fed up with us. She said she'd be happy to get him to a supervisor if only he'd give her the card number. After going round and round for a few minutes, he asked, "Do you know what it's like to talk to a fucking moron?" Without missing a beat, she said, "Yes, sir, I know exactly what that's like." *laughs wildly* Of course, she was worried that perhaps she might get into trouble for this, but he apparently missed it...Such a pity that he was such a fucking moron that he missed the burn. Ehh, whatever. I loved the story nonetheless.

We had our meeting for foster care and started our classes. We get to have an extra interview because Phoenix used to do foster care with this agency with her ex and then stopped, so they have some questions. Apparently, if you end a long term relationship, people have questions. I wonder if they would grill a straight couple the same way. And because I was the jackass who was honest about my childhood, I'll get to be grilled by a stranger about the fucked up relationship I had with my dad. Oh goody, goody gum drops. Does anyone else find it totally bizarre that in order to take care of someone else's kids, I have to take a shitload of classes and jump through about a billion hoops? I mean, these people didn't have to do anything to have these kids and have done something to lose the kids. I haven't hurt any kids. I even remind kids to wear seat belts (Apparently, this is the only motherly thing I do.). These kids' parents do drugs, drink, etc, etc, etc...I don't do any of that crap. Yet, I have to prove I'm stable. Really? REALLY? C'mon! And then to top it all off, and this is my FAVORITE part, when we had our first interview (which I know I mentioned before, but not in detail) the woman was like, "Now, Phoenix (Okay, not really, but let's pretend she called her Phoenix.), I know you did this before, but we can't find your file, so we'll have to start all over. And I'm not going to keep bringing up your ex because you're with Heather now and there's no need to bring it up." I was like, "WOO HOO! This woman is great!" because I have absolutely zero desire to go over anything that involves my girlfriend and her ex. Then, I am not even kidding, this woman brought up Phoenix and her ex's previous experiences for the rest of the interview. Every time I turned around, she was like, "So, when you did this before what age did you go?" or "I remember seeing pictures of you guys, but I never met you." Really? What happened to not bringing her up? What happened to showing a little respect for Heather who is sitting RIGHT HERE!? So yeah...Then we got an email, finally, with our log in information so we can go online and complete a buttload more paperwork there. Well, she emails me and is like, "What's Phoenix's email address? I think I have the wrong one." I sent it to her and asked what she had. Of course, she didn't tell me, but I'd be willing to bet a billion dollars that it was Phoenix's old email address. Why? Because they didn't lose her stupid file. Phoenix signed on and found that they had her old address listed and even had the people who used to live in her house. *rolls eyes* Whatever. I hate stupid crap like this. I'm just waiting for the day we go to class and they're like, "Oh, Phoenix! Look, we have all these old pictures of you, your ex, and the kids you used to foster!" I'm telling you, it's going to happen, I just know it...

For Halloween, we bought a huge bag of Wonka brand candy (because we like it) and I put my carved pumpkin on the sidewalk in front of our apartment and then waited...And waited...And waited for trick-or-treaters. Do you know that not one child or person came to our door??? NOT A ONE! WTF!? We didn't even hear kids running around in our complex! Do kids still trick-or-treat door to door or do they go to safe parties at church and school? Because when I was a kid, we went to the school party and still went trick-or-treating. On the plus side, we like the candy we bought, so disposing of it isn't a problem. *grins and opens another box of Nerds.*

This past Thursday and Friday we ran away for a couple of days to Sedona. We left on Wednesday after work and went up there. I was hoping to escape all the stress and bullshit that I deal with daily. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha *takes deep breath* hahahahahahahahahahaha! Ha! Seriously, there is no escaping life and all the bullshit that comes with it. While we were there, we ducked into a small shop that sold crystals and other stones that are supposed to be helpful for one's aura and well-being. They also offered to take pictures of your aura. Of course, Phoenix insisted we needed to do this. I was skeptical. A picture of my aura? Really? C'mon, I wasn't born yesterday. Still, we did it. Phoenix went first and then came to get me ( I was waiting outside) for my turn. I went in, did as the woman said, sat still with my eyes closed, and then she snapped my picture. She said, "Wow! This is interesting. You guys are very similar." I thought, "What? Phoenix and I are alike? Never!" She went on to tell me that I am very creative and that I came from a troubled past, but that I survived it and am better for it. She kept mentioning though how much creativity I have. Who am I to argue with an expert? *grins* Still, as she talked, mostly without asking any questions, she described things about me...So, here's what I think--She's an excellent reader of people or she's genuine. Hmmm...I'm leaning towards the former simply because I am a skeptic to the end. Phoenix asked about me what I thought about the crystals and such they use and here's what I think--It's the same as religion...It's the same as a placebo. If you believe it, you'll make it happen. Oh yes, folks, it's self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe it, it will happen. So, if carrying around a stone makes you feel better, then do it. If you believe praying to the tree gods will help you, then pray to the tree gods. To each their own. Who am I to judge what you want to believe?

Okay, I guess that's about it. I am trying to watch the first season of Glee...OMG! How have I not seen this show before??? And where the hell was Glee club when I was in school??? Oh wait, I can't sing...Never mind, carry on.

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