Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Biggest Loser...

So, for those of you following along, I didn't get the house I wanted. And then I fired my realtor. I went off on him via email and told him how unprofessional he is and his company is and that I no longer needed his services. It felt good because I was so frustrated with him. Now we have a new realtor. I have no idea how to pronounce her name, but whatever. She's a full-time realtor and seems to know her job, so here's to hoping...*crosses fingers*

The other night Phoenix and I were watching an episode of The Biggest Loser and it showed on the bottom of the screen that they are having open casting calls in Gilbert, AZ on March 5th. I told Phoenix, "I should go do that." She said, "That'd be cool" or something else non-committal like that. I asked if she'd do it with me and I'm pretty sure this is where I lost her. She doesn't want to go on TV. I'm not sure I want to go on TV either, but knowing there are cameras around and that I have to weigh myself in front of people and in front of about a billion people watching at home, I think it'll keep me pushing myself to do more. It's easy at home to start working out, but then life gets in the way and you're like, "Oh, I'll get back in that routine next week..." But then next week comes and you're busy, so you skip working out more...Next thing you know, it's six months and forty pounds later and you're like, "Shit..." I think this would be really good for me. I'd prefer if Phoenix would go with me, but I can go it alone too. The few people I've told have been pretty much on board with me. One friend suggested I could write a book about my experience if I made it on the show. I think she's right. Let's face it, folks, I need to lose the weight and this show could help. Plus, I'm funny. I have a fabulous personality. I have my award winning smile that belongs on television. Who could resist me? *grins*

Okay, okay...Stop laughing. I was being serious. No, seriously, stop laughing and pay attention!! *laughs* I think it'd be a great experience. I figure I'm probably a good candidate because I've been fat my whole life. All I have to do is make a video of me, showing my personality (Stop laughing, folks...You know you find me amusing!), and go to the casting call on March 5th. Who's with me? I mean figuratively, of course.

On the other hand...This whole weighing myself in front of everyone is seriously scary. I mean, who wants to advertise their weight when they're fat? And I know there are people who watch the show and laugh at the fatties as they fly off the treadmills, trip up as they attempt to run, throw up from working out too hard, and give in to the temptation challenges. Still, I'm a pretty good sport and would crack the jokes myself before the jackasses watching could say something.

Despite everything, I think I'm going to go. I'll show up and hope for the best and expect the worst. What's the worst that could happen-- They say yes? Haha...Or no...Whatever. Wish me luck, faithful readers of mine...And give me some input on what you think too. I'll probably disregard everything you say, but I'll read it. *grins*


  1. Sounds great to me. Good luck! Stephanie

  2. How did I not know that you had a blog???

    Guess I have some catching up to do :)

    PS I'm sorry about the house and if you get picked for the show I will totally be routing for you. What an amazing opportunity!!!
