Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nightmares and dreamscapes...

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I stole the title from Stephen King...I'm sure he won't mind. So, with all the stress abound regarding buying a house, moving out of our apartment, etc, I have been sleeping like crap! I wake up nightly at 3am or so for no apparent reason. I wake up a few other times throughout the night too and have a hard time falling back to sleep. I think the only night I slept pretty soundly was the night I went out and drank five margaritas. (Man, they were ROCKIN' margaritas!) I've noticed though that I'm having freaky dreams...

The other night I dreamt I made an offer on a house and I all these papers needed to be signed. The more I signed, the more papers needed to be signed. Like I signed a huge stack of papers (Like a three-foot tall stack of papers), I went to tell the realtor I had finished, and she said, "Okay, I'll be right there" and magically, a new stack of papers appeared! I complained in my dream that my hand hurt and I didn't want to do it anymore. It was like the never-ending stack of papers!! When I woke up, I was sleeping on my hand and it had fallen asleep. I hate that pins and needle feeling when a body part falls asleep!!

Last night I was dreaming of going to someplace where there was a dock and a boat. I was supposed to get on the boat to go for a sight-seeing tour or something (*sings "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip..."*). Anyway, I go to this place and I see my family and Phoenix there, along with some of her family. I was making jokes about going on the boat like, "Where's Giligan?" and stupid crap like that. Suddenly, I look to the side and see a rattle snake. When I see it, I realize I could hear the rattle going as well. I moved away from it quickly and pointed it out to everyone. Then I look around and see there are snakes EVERY WHERE!! I felt like I was in a bad part Indiana Jones or something. Where the hell did the snakes come from? And why in the hell were they by this dock? The weirdest part was that the "dock" actually looked like something out of World of Warcraft. Like there was a dock you could walk down, but the part we went into, looked more like an inn and had some people selling stuff. Very weird. But I digress...So, there are snakes every where. I suggest we get on the boat and get the hell out of there because there's not other way out with all the snakes. We go to the boat and as I'm taking the rope off the hook holding it to the dock, I see three rattle snakes on the boat. ("There are snakes on my mother-effing boat!") I scream and climb on top of some wooden boxes, as though that's going to make the situation somehow better. I look back and realize half my family is still on the dock and then there are more snakes on the boat. What's with the rattle snakes??? And why are all the snakes rattle snakes!?

I woke up before anything else could happen...Out of curiosity I looked up what rattle snakes mean in a dream...Apparently, they represent the passage of time. Yup, makes no sense to me. It would be nice to dream of something other than snakes and far too many papers to sign...

With that, it's time for work now. I hope today goes by quickly. And that I get some sales. My sales at work suck this month...I'm not a very good sales woman. Ehhh...Whatever. There's more to life than being able to sell ice to Eskimos.

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