Sunday, June 26, 2011

I hate being a girl...And other not-so-new news...

It's been a while again since I last wrote. I need to get back into the swing of writing daily, but it's been hard. I didn't realize that owning a home was so much work. Not that I thought it would be a walk in the park--I knew better than that--but so many unforeseen things come up. On Thursday, I had planned to spend the day writing because I had the fabulous idea to turn my novel into a play. (When I wrote it, I pictured everything in my head, like a performance or like a movie. Plus, with all the dialogue I wrote, it just seemed natural.) This didn't happen though. No, instead, as I'm cooking breakfast, Phoenix goes out to give water to the dogs and breaks the spigot out back. *grins* She's going to kick my ass for saying that, but she's the last one who touched it before it stopped working! When she turned off the water, it didn't turn off. Well, being the "man" in our relationship, I'm like, "I can fix that." I didn't want to fix it, but I could handle it...So, I go to Lowe's, get some tools and a replacement spigot. When I got home and tried to man-handle the old one off, I found I couldn't get it off. Phoenix, after watching a bunch of do-it-yourself videos on, thought perhaps the problem laid inside the spigot--a faulty o-ring. With that in mind, I took apart the spigot, only to break off the part you turn. Yes, I am that buff. *grins* In the end, Phoenix went to Lowe's, talked to a guy, had me send a pic of the spigot, and somehow found the guy who worked there and was a plumber in his spare time. He offered to come fix it for us for $40. Whatever. The fucking thing was soldered on there, so now matter how much I twisted and turned, it wasn't coming off. It was actually more likely that I'd break the pipe before I got it off. lol Whatever. The guy came and fixed it for us. He also offered to install our dishwasher for us for a mere $80. Yeah, we're holding off on that. We paid him $40 for like 20 minutes of work. I wish I got paid that much...

So, the house is a lot of work, especially since we have two dogs. Our dogs get filthy outside and then come inside and roll around on the beige carpet. I hate cleaning carpets. Not to mention, my little puppy Spencer is still working on bladder control. We also still don't have a dryer, so we hang dry all our clothes...This makes doing laundry more work than it really needs to be. I find that most of the time, there's something that needs to be done. And even when I think things are okay, someone comes along and says, "Ummm...You forgot something." Our HOA is a pain in my ass. They sent us a letter with a link to a website so we could see a picture of our house, showing a couple of weeds growing at the end of the driveway. Fucking idiots. With all the time they wasted taking pics, uploading them online, and mailing us a letter, the lazy ass could've gotten out of the car and pulled the five little weeds! The problem is that the ground where they're growing is rock hard. I can't get those things out! So, I took a weed whacker to them and chopped them short. lol

In other news, work still sucks. I've been having a rough time at work for the last few months. I know that everyone gets shitty calls, but I seem to get a lot of them with people who give me bad surveys for shit I didn't do. Like the people who are like, "I don't refer credit cards to friends!" So, they'll score me poorly because of that. Thanks, fucker. Or the old man who had a problem with Delta, but because it's his Delta card through our company, he called me to bitch about it. Well, I can't replace his skymiles he says Delta took for no apparent reason, so I got the bad survey despite the fact I did everything I could to help him. Another person gave me a bad review because they called THE DAY BEFORE they left the country for a month to set it up so they could get cash off their card. We mail out pins and they take 5-7 days to get there and I'm the bad guy because I told them that up front. I even offered to get them an emergency pin that could be used once for up to $500, but that wasn't good enough. Well, I give you a bad review, you stupid piece of shit, for bad planning on a trip! Why do you wait until the last possible second!? Fucking moron. What these people don't get is that these bad surveys affect not only our money, but they affect my employment. If I get any more bad surveys any time soon, I'm going to end up on probation. I have all kinds of great surveys, but the bad ones are weighted so much so that one bad one can severely impact your score. It's sort of like the SATs where if you're wrong, you get docked a point or two, but if you leave it blank, it neither impacts nor detracts from your score. That is the SATs, isn't it? I just remember some test in high school where they were like, "If you don't know, leave it blank. Don't guess wildly--It'll hurt you." Whatever. You get what I'm saying. It's like it takes 10 good surveys to even out a bad one. It's so shitty!! I was number one on the team and now I'm like third from the bottom. I'm so over dealing with people. It doesn't matter how nice I am, they screw me over in the end.

So, I have been giving some real consideration to going back to school. I'd love to be able to go back and study English, preferably Old British Literature, like King Arthur type of literature, but I can't justify the cost of that. No, instead, I've been looking at attending the Art Institute. They have a one-year culinary program and when I'm done, I could be a sous chef somewhere. It's so tempting and I do love cooking...But it's kind of expensive too. Phoenix thinks I should do it, and honestly, I want to do it, but I can't justify it. After going to school for so long to get my BA, I still have nothing to show for it. I don't even know where my degree is...Probably packed in a box somewhere. I mean, I don't use my degree for shit. I don't want another one I can't do anything with. I just...I don't know. I wish I could be more decisive, but I'm not and I don't know how to be. I had told the girl who gave me a tour at the Art Institute to send me an application and I'd work on it. After I hung up with her, I was like, "What the fuck am I doing? I can't go!" Then later, I was like, "Well...Maybe..." *rolls eyes* I hate being a girl. I guess we'll see what happens. I told the girl I couldn't start until October because that's the second term. The first one starts next month and I'll be gone for a week in Hawaii, so that's not going to work. I guess I still have plenty of time to play the Devil's advocate to myself...


  1. Okay, I have a thought. Go to culinary school and if nothing else, get an appreciation for how excellent food is prepared. Then use both your degrees and become a restaurant critic! For extra credit, find some of the people who gave you crappy reviews and threatened your livelyhood and see if they own or work at restaurants. Visit them and give them bad reviews!!! (Btw, I don't know if that extra credit part would be illegal.)

  2. I like your idea...About being a food critic. I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to keep a list for revenge...Still, I like your thinking. I can see why we're friends. lol
