Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thank you, drive through...

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how self-righteous people get over the stupidest shit. And I know that Phoenix is going to get pissed at me as she reads this, but this is nothing new and she knows my feelings on this (And she disagrees and I'm okay with that. I have my reasons and so do they, so we can all agree that I'm right...Er, um...I mean, we can agree to disagree.), but some of the worst offenders of this are church people. *grins* I can already hear people getting worked up. I'm okay with that...You know why? Because you don't need to read this. You can click that little X up in the upper right hand corner and move on. But for those of you still hanging out, check this shit out...This dude calls in and his business name is a church of some sort (Which I will NEVER be attending!). He immediately starts in about how he was online looking at his account and it shows that his dispute with a certain merchant was resolved and he never got any resolution in it and what were we thinking? Within a few moments this call crashed and burned...I mean, literally he said, "I know you guys are in bed with (Insert merchant's name here). You scratch their back while they scratch yours and who gives a rat's butt about the little man." Um, what? We can't give you your money back because the reservation you made was non-refundable. It's not my company's fault that a hotel room was listed as a three-star hotel and this dude feels it was a one-star (at best). Don't people do research before they go stay somewhere? Like look at the pictures...Maybe Google the hotel? No? Am I the only crazy person? I might be, but that's neither here nor there. He didn't care at all what I said, even when I apologized as I explained that we are an impartial mediator, instead, he kept talking over me and talking in circles. He said I wasn't sorry and that I didn't care. Well, honestly, no, I don't give a fuck. Does it suck for him? Sure, but he's the idiot who booked this room, showed up and said, "OH HELL NO!", left, and expects my company to give him his money back. Buyer beware, I say. Yup, I'm a bitch and I'm okay with that. 

He bitched me out for a good ten or so minutes before he hung up on me. What pisses me off about this is that he threatened to go to another credit card company (Good luck with that.) and was making vague threats about his church and how he can tell his fellow ministers and their follows about this experience. Great. Be sure to tell them that Satan (that's me) said hello. Yes, go tell all your faithful followers about how my company screwed you over and couldn't make another big company change their policies to suit you. How the hell do we know he didn't stay at the hotel? We don't. This is the same as the people who are like, "I just bought a TV and it's not what I thought it was. Can you cancel that charge?" Oh, sure...Best Buy sucks anyway...Let's just give you that big screen TV for free. Have a great day. NOT! What the fuck? But then this dude just kept going on about how he's going to tell everyone and that his church has locations all over, not just here in AZ, but in CA and around the world. I wanted to ask, "Did you also tell everyone to go to Chik-fil-a the other day?" I didn't, but it was tempting. You might be a man of the cloth, but you're a jerk and God is watching you. 

I had spoken to another man earlier in the day from a different church who was also a jerk. He was mad that he had gotten an interest charge. He demanded that I remove it. I explained that it was there because he doesn't pay in full. He literally pays his minimum payment every month and thinks we're going to waive the finance charges...Umm...No. I told him it was a legitimate charge and he flipped out about how he was a God-fearing man who pays his bills. Okay, well, I'm not sure God wants us to fear him, but besides that, if he doesn't want to follow these rules, what other rules is he breaking? I'm glad I don't go to his church...I imagine he talks about fire and brimstone a lot. I just don't get it...Where do these people come up with the idea that we should do everything for them? My company is a for-profit company, so we're not going to give away free money. Our American Society has put itself in a bad place...You don't get anything for free. You get what you pay for. And I'm not writing off your fees. Thank you, drive through. 

On a side note, I'm turning fucking 33 in a few days...I don't want to be 33. That sounds old. I feel like I haven't done enough with my life to be this old. Does anyone else feel that way? Eh, maybe it's just me...

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