Just before I made dinner tonight, I was sitting here at my computer, not writing because Chuck needed his daily dose of Youtube.com. We watched Mahna Mahna, The Duck Song, Coin-Operated Boy, Green Day, and Blink 182. *grins* Silly Phoenix thinks he likes her music, but I'm teaching him. I knew I had gotten through to him a couple of weeks ago when I caught him rocking out to The Beatles! *cheers* Who doesn't love Come Together? Anyway, I digress...So, Chuck and I were sitting here rocking out to mostly my music and only a few of his songs. (I'm sorry...I love the Duck Song, man!) As we sat here, I heard Ariel and Rapunzel arguing in the next room. I asked what was going on and the following conversation occurred...
Rapunzel- "Ariel is being mean!" *pouty face*
Me- "What's she doing?"
Rapunzel- "Being mean..." *looks back at her sister who was probably making faces or threatening her or something because she scooted closer to where I was sitting.*
Me- "How?"
Rapunzel- "She said she was going to tell Phoenix on me." *she looked back at her sister again and I wouldn't be surprised if she stuck her tongue out at her*
Me- "For what?"
Rapunzel- *says nothing and looks away from me*
Me-- After calling them both into my reading room, "What are you going to tell on her for?"
Rapunzel and Ariel- *shrugs*
Me- "So, you were going to tell Phoenix absolutely nothing?"
Ariel- *looks at Rapunzel and then back at me*
Rapunzel- *hides behind column by front door*
Me- "Dude, you guys talk all the time and now you're quiet? C'mon, you can't tell on your sister and say nothing! What were you going to say?"
Ariel- "She called me the 'e' word on Saturday."
Me- "You waited two days to tell on your sister for saying--Wait a second! The 'e' word???"
Ariel- *vehemently nodding*
Rapunzel- *looking everywhere but at me*
Me- "What's the 'e' word? Did you sister call you an elephant?"
Ariel- After being asked at least 10 times, "She called me an idiot."
Me- *holding back laughter* "Idiot starts with an I, not an E."
Ariel- "Well, she called me the 'i' word then."
Me- *still holding back laughter* "Okay, let's get this straight. Seriously, idiot starts with an 'i' and you cannot wait two days to tell on someone. You don't get to hold it like that. Either you tell or you don't. Now go play."
Ariel walks off pouting.
Rapunzel- *smiling at me*
Me- "It's not nice to call your sister an idiot...Or anyone for that matter. Stop calling people names."
Rapunzel- *less of a smile* "Okay."
Me- "Go play." Once she was gone, I started laughing...
When I told Phoenix she said exactly what I was thinking, "Stimpy, you EEEEEEEEEdiot!" ROFLMAO!! The E word! HA!
At dinner, we were sitting there eating biscuits and gravy (Or if you're Phoenix's nasty phone and you try to use text to talk, it'll type in "Lick it and gravy," which is ALWAYS my favorite dinner. BWahahahaha!), when suddenly the following conversation happened...
Ariel- "Do you know Mary Johnson?"
Rapunzel- "No, do you know Mary Johnson?"
Phoenix- After glancing at me with a confused look on her face, "No. Who is Mary Johnson?"
Ariel- "I don't know."
Rapunzel- "I don't know either."
Phoenix- "Where did you hear that name?"
Ariel- "I don't know!" *shrugs*
Phoenix- "Do you know anyone named Mary?"
Ariel and Rapunzel- "No."
Phoenix- "Is Mary a girl's name or a boy's name?"
Rapunzel- "A girl? No, a boy? I don't know"
Ariel- *more or less at the same time as her sister* "A boy...No, Larry! That's a boy!"
Phoenix- *laughing* "Larry?"
Ariel- "Mary is like if you marry someone. Like a boy and girl."
Phoenix- "Did someone marry Johnson?"
Me- *face palm*
Ariel- *giggling* "Noooooooo!"
Rapunzel- *laughing wildly* "Noooooo! You did!"
Phoenix- "I didn't marry Johnson. Maybe Heather did."
Me- "I really didn't get married."
*everyone laughing*
I sort of zoned out for a moment as drool came out the side of my mouth because the conversation just kept going and going and I don't even know what was going on...I was so lost in it...Then I heard the following:
Rapunzel- "When I get bigger, I could marry Chuck."
Phoenix- "You're going to marry Chuck?"
Rapunzel- *grins* "Yes!"
Phoenix- "Are you a cougar?"
Me- *laughs wildly and can't stop laughing* "A cougar!?"
Rapunzel- *giggling* "No!"
Me- "She's three years older than he is! A cougar is like a 50 year old lady dating an 18 year old guy!" *still laughing*
I'm not even sure what else they discussed. I couldn't stop laughing...A cougar! ha! Who knew a four year old could be a cougar!?
Well, that's about all the silliness I can have for one day...I did need a good laugh though. I had one earlier today, but it was a rough day. I laughed pretty hard when I got a rejection letter from the University of Phoenix. I guess they didn't like that I put that I didn't want to do sales while on the phone at a desk all day. Fuck that! I already have that job and I like my co-workers. Haha! Idiots. I don't know why they lie about what the job is anyway...But yeah, work sucked. One of the people who got the job just walks around flaunting it and well, the following ecard shows how I feel...
Yup, that pretty much sums it up...Oh well...I'm off to go wreak havoc on Facebook or maybe write for a while...We shall see. Peace out!
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