Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm going out!!

I'm so excited! Phoenix has decided to stop holding me hostage, well for this evening anyway, and is taking me out for a fun-filled night of drag queens!! WOO HOO!! I love me some men dressed as women! One of the things I'm always tempted to ask is where they buy their shoes...I mean, I wear a woman's 12 1/2 or 13 depending on the shoe (I usually just buy guy's shoes.), so finding "come fuck me boots" is almost unheard of in regular shoe stores. (And you all know what I'm talking about when I say, "Come fuck me boots," so don't play innocent with me.) But I digress...Seriously though, who doesn't just love drag queens? The last time we went it was very cool. I'm excited and I will try to take some pics to share in tomorrow's blog.

On the other hand, if you're looking for some entertainment, you should read this article: Facebookers. I read this and totally laughed because I could name off people in each category. What gets me though are the "Lurkers". These people creep me out. These people are people like Phoenix. She will read what people have to say and NEVER comment. If I take the time to go read people's stuff (usually) I let them know I was there...With comments like, "Hey fruitcake! I stopped by and saw your crap...Your crap isn't funny. Let's work on that, okay?" Okay, not exactly like that, but yeah, usually I'll leave something behind to show I was there. On FB it's super easy because I just click on the "like this" link. I do wish though that there was a "Don't like this" link. So, when people leave happy little things like, "I just won $500 on a scratcher while I was filling up my super-sized SUV with free gas I won just for being cute. Then, when I got home, my super model husband/wife had made me a wonderful dinner and what made it even better was when I found out that my mother was able to sell the old estate for triple the price she was asking, so we're all rich!! My share is a mere $22 million!! I'm having such a wonderful day!" This is the time when I would definitely click on the "Don't like this" link. In fact, if they had a link that read, "I hope someone drops a house on your dumb ass, you wicked, wicked person," I'd click that instead. What was I talking about? *grins* Seriously though...The Lurkers are weird. You would never know that they were on your page until they say stuff like, "Oh, I read that in your blog..." or something similar. Let's not call them Lurkers, but "Stalkers", okay? I suppose not all of them are bad though since Phoenix was a Lurker/Stalker of mine before we actually started talking...And it was only because of the BS that I spew that she decided I was worthy of her time...Or something like that. (I like to think it's my girlish good looks and irresistible personality that reeled her in, even though she says otherwise...)

That's it for me folks. I need to go doll myself up and figure out what I'm going to wear tonight...It's always so hard...Shorts and a polo or shorts and a polo....Decisions, decisions...


  1. LOL, hope you have a gay time tonight! Hugs~ momma

  2. Ok, so I do not want to be a lurker or heaven forbid a stalker so I am leaving a comment for you. You have a great way with words and I am enjoying reading your blogs...I went to high school with "Phoenix" and found the link on her FB....keep up the chuckles it gives me some entertainment in between raising too many kiddos....

  3. I also went to high school with "Phoenix" and came over from FB. You are cracking me up!


  4. I totally want the leopard print outfit! Can you girls take me here next time I am in Phoenix...the town, not your girl!
