I had a coupon for a free steak dinner at Black Angus for my birthday and today was the last day to use it, so of course Phoenix and I went there for lunch. We chatted as we ate about different things, but here are two topics that were of great interest to us...
First of all, if you are waiting a table and it's like 11:30 AM and not busy at all, why on earth would you need someone to run your food to the table? Our waitress, from what I could see, had like three tables, including us (and one of the tables left a few minutes after we got there and then the last table came in while we were already eating). When the guy came to drop off our food for us, our waitress was right behind him with a pitcher of iced tea to top off our glasses...Obviously, she hadn't been busy, so why the hell was some other guy running our food!? And the dude who was running the food had his own three tables to take care of! WTF!? Phoenix said, "I don't like it when they do that. It affects the tip because what was she doing that was so important that she couldn't be bothered to bring us our food, but could bring out the iced tea?" I agree. It's ridiculous. So, a head's up to all you waiters and waitresses...Unless it's hella busy, take the food out to your customers!
A few minutes before we left a small family came in. It was the parents and then a little girl of like 3 or 4 and a baby in a carrier who was maybe like 6 months old or something. As we finished our meal, Phoenix asked, "Do you think she looked like that when he fell in love with her and married her?" I refrained from spitting my mouth full of steak across the restaurant and held in my laughter. I looked back at the table and saw that the mom, who I had only barely noticed on the way in, was very plain looking. She was dressed all right, but she had absolutely no make-up on and her curly (almost frizzy) blondish/reddish hair was held back by one of those elastic bands headbands (you know the ones that are like two inches wide). It was obvious that the only thing she'd done since waking up was put on clothes and the headband. The children though were well taken care of. I replied, "Perhaps. Maybe he likes her like that." Phoenix looked unconvinced. I asked, "Why?" She explained that it was as if moms, once they become moms, so often stop caring about their own looks and focus only on the children. (I didn't say ALL moms, so don't kill me, okay?) I stopped to think and realized she's probably right. I know I have seen countless moms out with their children and it's obvious they put effort into the kids, but very little into themselves. Phoenix said, "I don't wear makeup and I don't do much to my hair, so I'll be fine when we have kids..." I think she was basically saying that I'm fucked!! Fear not though, I shall still make time to do my makeup...And most likely my hair too.
I ask though, faithful readers, why is that??? Is it that some moms stop caring once they have kids because then the focus is the kid and not themselves? Is it because there's just not enough time to get yourself ready and then a child too? In fact, what makes people stop caring anyway? There are all kinds of people who leave the house looking tore up from the floor up. I may not always look fabulous, but I make a point to try to do my hair and makeup before leaving. Phoenix thinks this is annoying. As we talked today I tried to explain that I simply feel that if I'm leaving the house, I want to be "presentable." She thinks I shouldn't care what people think. I disagree. It's not exactly that I care what people think, but people judge everyone immediately by what they are wearing and such. For instance, people are usually nicer to the man in the business suit than the man dressed like a bum, right? I mean, I grew up in a poor family and I would prefer not to act like a poor person. I'm not exactly saying I'm necessarily better than that...but yeah, I am. I just don't want to be associated with being poor. Who're we kidding? Let's call an ace and ace, okay? I don't want people to think I'm white trash (or trailer trash to you smartasses reading this and thinking that). I'm better than that. You know it and so do I. I know I can't be the only person who's like this...Phoenix may think that I am the only person in the world like this, but c'mon, there has to be others...Right?
A heads-up about another server bringing the food to your table: as a server, I've been asked about this before. The reasoning is mostly by the restaurant. The idea is to get your food out as hot as possible. Maybe there was another server inside the kitchen as your food came up, and they decided to bring it out to you because it was so slow and they had nothing else to do. How nice of them, right? It's not that your server was being lazy, that other server was being courteous and aiding in your experience. Because really, which is the bigger sin: your server didn't bring the food out to your table or you were handed cold food?