After a failed trip to the library for the Science Center passes (They're free at the library if you happen to get there early enough to get the limited amount, which I think might just be one free pass for all of Phoenix...BAH! Who wanted to see that ultra cool Lego exhibit anyway? I mean, it's not like I used to play with Legos all the time as a kid and even had the big ass pirate ship that took days to put together because of all the sails and sticker details...And it's not like my brother and sister destroyed it because they were evil little children and from then on, I didn't put together any big sets because it pissed me off...Er, umm...what?), we ended up taking the nephew to Target for nachos (He swore he loved their food there.) and an icee. We also got Uno cards. Apparently, cheating runs in Phoenix's family because he was trying to discard all his cards at once...For instance, if it was blue and he had five blue cards, he'd stack them together and try to discard them all at one go. It was rather amusing. This sounds exactly like something Phoenix would try to do...I, on the other hand, just shoved my cards down into the couch...UNO!
On Monday, we went to Phoenix's sister's house for a barbecue. I watched as the sister burned her chicken and then offered to barbecue the rest of the meat, including Phoenix's and my burgers...The sister asked, "Can you barbecue?" I said, "Yeah..." I think she realized that I didn't want her to burn my food. Apparently, I was supposed to volunteer before she burned her chicken...Live and learn, right? Anyway, after eating, Phoenix's niece was going to show her mom how to do the "Ho Down Throw Down"--Wait, considering that I think it's Hannah Montana, it's probably, "Hoe Down Throw Down," huh? Eh, whatever. So, she starts the music and her mom is telling her that she has to show her the moves first, that they can't just start dancing, right? So, the daughter gets a little huffy about it, which makes Phoenix's sister get an attitude too and she raises her voice at her daughter about having an attitude...This goes on for a few minutes until they decide not to do the dance. It was an amusing exchange between the two...The best part was that the daughter had started her webcam on her laptop, which is where she had the music playing so that she could record them dancing...Instead, she had the entire exchange between her mom and herself. And she told her mom, "I recorded you yelling at me." Note to self: Never buy children computers, cell phone, cameras, etc where they can record you yelling at them...
Last thing, I promise...Phoenix's nephew, the one we hung out with the other day, has his birthday in a couple of days. On September 11th, to be exact. Anyway, we asked what he wanted for his birthday. His first answer was, "Two boxes of gum. I love this flavor gum." Bubble gum. Later he told us that he wants a bed because his is "lumpy" and a iPod so he can have his own music to listen to. Oh, an iPod...Sure thing, kiddo. I didn't even buy my own iPod, so it's unlikely that I'm going to buy Mr. "I know...Right?" an iPod. He insisted that we should get him one. Umm...Sure. Phoenix's one niece also has a birthday coming up. We had thought that for her birthday I could make her a cool cake (Well, hopefully a cool cake) with fondant and all that. I really want to learn how to do that stuff. (I should've gone to pastry school instead of getting a BA in English!) So, Phoenix said, "Make him a cake first as practice." I said it was a good idea and decided to go with it. Unfortunately, he's into G.I. Joe...Umm...I'm not making a G.I. Joe cake. As I did research online for ideas, I saw an iPod cake. *grins* That's right...I'm making him an iPod cake!! And I'm even going to make it look like his favorite Taylor Swift song is on it!! Yeah, I'm mean...Whatever...I think it'll be cool. Here's a pic of the cake I saw as inspiration...
I won't be making it pink though...It'll be blue and it's going to be freakin' awesome...If I can make it look in real life how it looks in my head. So, wish me luck...
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