Friday, October 9, 2009

It just keeps getting better and better...

Yesterday I got to work a little early so that stupid deli guy couldn't yell at me for not being there ten minutes early to relieve the people who were already working. When I got there, I was confronted by a girl, we'll call her Ditsy. So, Ditsy tells me that the other two girls I was to work with called in. Um, what? And I would be alone in the deli. Wait...What? But they were trying to find someone who could at least cover my breaks. No, really, what? Ditzy kept talking and I was half-listening as I was quickly considering my option...Obviously I need my job (otherwise I wouldn't have taken it), so saying, "Peace out mo-fos!" and running for the door was not an option. Finding options after that was hard because I could only think, "They can't leave me alone in the deli...I don't know how to make the rotisserie chickens! Or cook the bread! I don't know what to do!" I wondered if I could claim I too was sick and leave...I doubted this only because I was already there and appeared fine. I finally clocked in and headed to hell, I mean the deli...still trying to figure out how I was going to get out of doing it all by myself...

When I got to the deli, I was confronted by some mean old woman who worked there. She said, "I am off. You help customer." I then watched as this mean old lady stopped in the middle of cutting some meat for a man and walked off. I was rather horrified at the whole thing. I finished the guy's stuff and then realized she was in the back putting away some dishes. I went back there and she said, "I go now." And walked out. WTF? Ditsy came back from her break and explained that she was trying to get a hold of Tortilla (the girl who had trained me the night before) to see if she would please come in. She was also trying to get a hold of Satan (the girl with the attitude), who had supposedly sliced open her hand while doing the dishes for her mom. *rolls eyes* I kept asking, "They're not really going to leave me alone here...Are they?" She laughed. When I realized that no one was coming in, I started working doubly fast because I had a bunch of shit to get done by 5. See, us deli workers make a lot more than most of the other workers because we do the work of two employees...There are no bakery girls, just us deli girls. So, we have to do all the deli stuff, plus make the french bread and other bakery treats that can be found at our store, like pastries and such. We just don't decorate cakes...

Ditsy finally tells me that Satan is going to be in before 6. She also says that she has to go to school, but she'll come back after school to help with closing. I was like, "Cool," but it wasn't cool because in the meantime, I had no one to help me! (And Ditsy never came back.) The managers came by and checked on me, explaining to me how to page for a manager to the deli in case I needed help. I was tempted to be all, "I know how to use it." And then when they walked away, pick up the phone and page them back to tell them that I needed help since I'm alone in the deli!! I opted not to though...Although, I doubt this is actually part of the training process.

At some point in time, this guy, we'll call him Dopey, comes over and says, "They sent me to help a little..." He couldn't handle it when he had two customers at the counter, which is the only thing he knew how to do. BAH! I had to keep stopping make salads to help him help people. It sucked. Then he was all, "Oh, a truck is in. I have to go." And he left me alone. He was with me for like fifteen/twenty minutes. *rolls eyes* I was alone for almost two hours before Satan arrived. She looked surprised that they had left me alone. She also tried to tell me that her finger had required stitches, but that it had been bleeding so badly that they couldn't stitch it. Do I look dumb? (Don't answer that!) If something is bleeding so badly that it won't stop, that's usually when they stitch it. She tried telling me that they said they would stitch it after she got off work. Again, I am not so dumb. I once cut my finger on a lid from a can of dog food and my dad had to drive me to Kaiser, which was 45 minutes away to get stitches because it was that bad. By the time we got there and they got me in the room, it was too late to do stitches, which may be why the scar is so evident. I told her, "You should've super glued it." Bwhahaha, you should've seen the look on her face.

So, Satan wasn't half as bad as I had expected. On the plus side, she's not all about milking the clock, so even though there were only the two of us, we got out at 10:05 last night...Like twenty minutes earlier than the night before when there had been three of us!! She showed me more stuff, so I'm starting to learn it all. Still, it's so much work. I mean, I had to prep sandwiches, salads, turkey wraps, bag bread, prep french bread, fry food, cook chicken, clean the slicers, hose off the floors, sweep, do dishes, clean the rotisery (gross), and I know I'm forgetting stuff here...Plus, we have to help customers all the time. Bagging french bread isn't hard, but it's time consuming. Just like the sandwiches...I mean, you have to cut the bread, put on the meat, then the cheese, then the lettuce, then shove it into a baggie-type bag (which it barely fits in and if you force it too much, you'll break the sandwich...I haven't done it; I'm just saying...*shifty eyes*), then wrap and seal the bag, then put the sticker on it, then label (price) it. Don't they have cheap laborers in a foreign country who do this sort of stuff???

The kicker of the entire night was when I went to leave and realized I didn't have my nametag. I know I had it when I got back from my break because I have to use it to clock in. I had no idea where I had lost it. One would think I would notice if I lost my big fat Walmart nametag, which was attached to the middle of my polo shirt where the buttons are...But yeah, I didn't. Then I searched the entire deli and couldn't find it. *cursing loudly* What the hell??? Satan laughed at me. Finally, I went to ask if it had been turned in to the cashiers, but no. Then I went to the break room and asked, again, no. A support manager was in there and I said, "Ummm...I need to clock out. What do I do?" He then sighed as if I was asking the world of him and he said, "I guess I can give you a sticker!" He retrieved a sticker with my barcode on it and gave it to me...No, not a new name badge, but just a label like you'd see on product--a sticker with a bar code. I thanked him, even though I would've preferred to tell him what a jerk-wad he was, and then clocked out to leave.

I survived the night, but barely. I just couldn't believe that they were seriously going to leave me by myself. How can you take a girl, on her second night of closing, and expect her to know enough to close on her own!? I need a new job...And I needed it a week ago. Screw this place.

As a side note, I hate when Phoenix is right. I had told her about Satan the other day before I actually worked with her and she was like, "Watch, she'll be your new best friend." I was like, "No way!!" Unfortunately, she's probably the nicest of the other workers and the most helpful...I mean, when she came in to work, you know? Still...All I could think last night as I was laughing with Satan was, "Damn it! Phoenix is right! I hate when she's right!" Shhhhh...let's not tell her, okay? Good thing she never reads these things!

Okay, I'm going back to bed...Phoenix had to be in at 6am, so I was awake, but I'm exhausted and need more sleep. I get the feeling it's going to be a long, long day.

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