I totally need to vent about my job. Yes, I get it--I have a job and I should be happy, but seriously, IT SUCKS BALLS!! BIG HAIRY SHWEATY BALLS!! Like yesterday I was trying to find the best way to make a good thing come from this crappy situation, but yeah, it's not going to happen. First of all, as most of you know from reading my blogs and those of you who know me, I am not a flippin' optimist. I don't know how to be an optimist, unless my optimism is lined with pessimism...I like to think of myself as optimistically pessimistic--that is, I am favorably looking forward to the worst possible outcome...Or something like that. Anyway, secondly, I work with idiots and jerks and I can't get past that...
Now let me defend myself for one moment because people like J-Dawg are going, "Whoa there, Heather...You were a total *BEEP* to me when I started at Burger King!" Yes, but not really. I growl a lot, but my bark is much worse than my bite. And really, who's happy working at the BK? But I digress...I wasn't a jerk. I worked well with most of the people I was stuck working with and did what I had to do. I also didn't yell at people for no apparent reason. If I was yelling at you, then you screwed something up...like the food I needed for drive-thru or something.
Yesterday I got yelled at by the guy in charge of the deli, not once, but a few times, for doing stuff the girl who was training me told me to do. Seriously, it took everything in me not to tell him to go *BEEP* himself. I need the job, so I'm biting my tongue, but this jerk shouldn't be yelling at the new girl for not knowing how stuff is to be done, not to mention that every flippin' manager there has a different idea on what's going on and how things should be ran!! Seriously, I don't think it's cool to be talked down to and yelled at like I'm some kind of idiot. If I'm being trained incorrectly, then tell the person training me, right? I even mentioned the things I got yelled at to the girl training me and he hadn't said anything to her. *rolls eyes* Also, the guy in charge also apparently takes a great deal of attitude from the girl I met the other day who has a HUGE attitude problem. I heard that no one there really says anything to her. Should be interesting since I work with her tonight...I'm not known for putting up with people treating me shitty...especially my equals.
The girls I work with are so full of drama that it's just plain ridiculous. They're all right around 21 or so, so they're pretty young, but even when I was 21, I wasn't like them...And I would've hated them then too. Sure, my friends have had their fair share of drama, but on the plus side, my friends weren't all sleeping together or trying to sleep together. Blech! Seriously. Work and pleasure don't mix. I don't care who disagrees with this statement, it just doesn't work. It's gross. C'mon, get out and meet people. But I digress again...I learned all the gossip last night from one of the girls working and I was just like, "Oh." *straight face* The girl then asked me how old I am. I said, "30." She looked at me and said, "Not uh. How old really?" To which I replied, "No, really. I'm 30. And I'm too old for all the drama here. I just want to work and get paid." She laughed at me...The other girl heard me and laughed too. I wasn't kidding. At BK, at one point, we had like all girls working on the day shift and we were fine. We didn't purposely screw each other over and we worked together. These girls know nothing of teamwork. They were surprised because when I finished doing stuff, I would ask for more work or would jump in and help them with their stuff. DUH! DUH! I don't want to be there all night long!!
As it was, I got off almost an hour late last night! And Phoenix was sitting here waiting for me so we could go grocery shopping. (Fry's has senior day on the first Wednesday of each month...We use her mom's card and get an extra 10% off!!) I was emotionally and physically drained by the time I got home. Yeah, and today I got an email notifying me that I was not chosen for the Starbucks job. *growls loudly* Whatever. I didn't want to commute to the airport every day anyway, right? I also got an email from Bella Books that they received my manuscript and I'll hear something, either way, soon. I guess it takes them a while to notify people that they receive stuff because I sent it in on the 25th or something of last month. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope they want to read the entire manuscript. I might be able to put up with my job a little longer if they consider my manuscript...
Okay, I have to go get ready now. I better get out on time tonight. Peace...
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