I think I am about to just give up...on just about everything. (Not Phoenix though...I have to clarify that only because I fear she will read this and think I mean her too, which I don't.) I get it, you know, that life is hard, it's an uphill battle, it's insert-cliche'-here...Whatever. I don't make lemonade from the lemons being thrown at me each day. No, I'm the one still trying to struggle through it all and getting smacked in the face by these flying lemons and I'm slipping and falling on the ones which have already hit the ground. To sum up, I'm not doing well. Plus, I have a paper cut on my finger and I think I just got lemon juice in it.
Perhaps you think I exaggerate...I don't. Well, sometimes I do for storytelling purposes, you understand, but in this case, I'm just not; it's not necessary. Allow me to explain.
My stuff from Chapman was supposed to be processed last week. It's not freakin' processed. I know people who became teachers without having any bit of trouble, but for me, it's been nothing but one bullshit problem after another! Is it a sign that this isn't what I'm supposed to do? If so, wouldn't it have been easier for me to drive past a sign on the freeway that read, "Heather, do not be a teacher! Love, The Universe"? Seriously. Oh for the love of all that is holy, this is just plain ridiculous! Here I am, writing this blog, talking smack and I just got an email from Chapman University saying that my stuff has now been processed. Excuse me for a moment while I angrily shake my fist at the sky. *shakes fist angrily at the sky* Only me, I'm telling you...I think I was supposed to be a stand-up comedian because of how crazy and ridiculous my life is. Bah!
At work, I asked for Sundays and Mondays off because those are Phoenix's days off...Yesterday the new schedules were posted and I get Saturdays and Sundays. I know, you're thinking, "Awesome!" Yes, but perhaps you missed which days off Phoenix has. BAH! Also, they decided that Monday-Thursday we only need two girls at night and that started last night with me and Tortilla. And they gave us a list of cleaning duties to be done by today, which was passed along to our deli boss last week. Umm...What took a week to get it out??? Yeah, we skipped like half the stuff on the list. I'm sure I'll get yelled at today, but he wasted two hours of Tortilla's time making her stock the bakery stuff that came in the order (cookies, brownies, bread, rolls, etc) that should've been done by the girls in the morning. We didn't get out of work until 11pm and I was technically off at 9:30. Grrr!
Here are a few other highlights from last night...The hose we use to clean the floors wasn't working properly last week and last night basically crapped out. Nothing quite like washing a floor by tossing buckets of soapy water on the floor, then scrubbing with a brush, and then tossing out buckets of clean water to rinse. I had to change the oil on the fryers only to find that the fryers were so dirty that the crumbs clogged the hose, so I got to ladle God-only-knows how much oil from the filter with a small pan into the container I had to roll back to the backroom to dispose of. These fryers are big too, not like the ones you see at BK or Mickey-Dee's, so we're talking like 20 gallons or more of oil, okay? It took a LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME! Then the container, which is supposed to be big enough to hold the oil from both fryer, was full after only one, which sucks. So, I go back to the back room and then use the vacuum thing that's supposed to suck it out of the container and into a holding unit. Yeah, it didn't work. I found a night manager guy to help and he helped a bit, but the machine would start and stop in the middle of sucking it all out. It was utter bullshit. I wasted like an hour and a half trying to do the fryers. It should've taken less than thirty minutes! Before this though, I watched an older Mexican man come in and get potato wedges from me and then walk out the door without paying. I was alone in the deli at the time though so I didn't do anything. I certainly wasn't going to chase him down. Nice, huh? OH! And then there was the crazy woman who got pissed at me at 9:35 because I wouldn't cut her a buttload of meat when the sign right in front of her face told her that we are closed at 9pm. Apparently, according to this woman, because I was still there I was to serve her and it didn't matter that I had been busily cleaning the bakery oven, basically from the inside because it's not an easy oven to clean. (When I explained it to Phoenix, she immediately said, "Like Hansel and Gretal?" I wasn't actually in the oven, but close...) I didn't serve the evil woman and I told her to have a great night, even when she threatened to tell my manager...Oh well.
Well, I could go on, but I have to get ready to head back to hell...I'm about to give up though. I feel the life being sucked out of me each day I walk into Walmart. What scares me the most is that the people there (IE- cashiers, pharmacy techs, etc) are all starting to know who I am and talk to me whenever they get a chance...It's like a scary cult and they're trying to pull me in. I've been resisting them, but how long can I go on like this??? Oh man, they're going to make me drink the Kool-Aid, huh??? Well, as long as it's the Black Cherry kind I like so much, I guess it won't be bad...
i suppose it doesnt matter where you work,, all jobs expect miracles from you and they basically suck