Right about now, you may be thinking, "What's the point of this? Is there a point?" There is a point...I am setting this up to show the pictures of what I made BS for her birthday. I had decided that I wanted to make her a bomb cake...not as in "cool", but as in "Oh my God, is that going to blow up!?" I looked up bomb cakes and found this:
Apparently, that was done with cake...Yeah, I'm not that cool yet in my cake carving abilities, but luckily for me, I watch a lot of cake shows and challenges, so I've picked up a thing or two...Like that Rice Krispie treats can be used to odd shapes that are hard to make with cake! Bwahahaha!! So, I made my bomb with Rice Krispies, fondant (which I had never worked with), spray food coloring (save your $3.50 and don't buy this shit!), and regular food coloring. I made the treats and let them cool just enough that I could handle them without receiving third degree burns on my fingers and I shaped it into the general shape of a bomb. I let that harden in the fridge. I then rolled out the fondant and put it over it, trimming off the extra. When morning came, I sprayed on the black food coloring stuff...OMG! It came out purple!! Not like purple-purple, but like lavender with a little black mixed in...This is the color you get when you make black with yellow, blue, and red, apparently, which is what the ingredients listed. BAH!
I went to go see Where the Wild Things Are before I went to get more food coloring...I didn't care for the movie all that much. We'll discuss that more in another blog. I then went to Target and bought food coloring. All they had were the basic colors (red, blue, green, and yellow). I bought it along with a water color set of paints for the paint brush. (It was either the set of paint for 94 cents or a set of brushes for $2.49...hmmm....) Once back at my mom's, I mixed the colors together in hopes of creating black. What I got instead was a really dark green!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I swear I paid attention in art class! I didn't have time to mess with it anymore and I wasn't going to go trekking around town anymore, so I called it good and painted it green. Here's what I ended up with:
Here I am dropping it off:
Hahaha! Just kidding...kind of.
Here's the Black Spy with Mini Black Spy and the cake...
And finally, here they are, eating it, which proves it wasn't poisoned. And it proves once and for all that the White Spy is not evil...*shifty eyes*
So, yeah...There's my bomb "cake" of sorts...I had so much fun making it. I am going to keep making crazy cakes and such. It's great to see the look on people's faces when you give them cool cakes...Like they get all excited. It's a nice feeling to know you made them something that makes them so happy.
That turned out so GOOD! Excellent creativity. :) And how I miss your Nemesis.... *sigh*