Tuesday, October 6, 2009

She actually spit water out of her mouth!!

So, yesterday Phoenix and I went to go play racquetball again. I don't really mind playing, but my right knee was killing me. I was afraid to jump or run around too much because, more or less, my knee felt like Jell-O. Still, I played. We actually played a game and kept score...Yeah, I totally won. It was 10-6. *shifty eyes* Okay, fine, you caught me--She won. Gah, let it go. I'm still a beginner.

After racquetball, we ended up going to Walmart to pick up a few odds and ends. Apparently, in our unshowered state, we fit in with the other customers. People who shop there are so ghetto...I mean, besides us. When we left, we almost got into an accident because backing out of parking spots is obviously hard for people. Within like two minutes of us getting into our car, five people were backing out all at once, including us. To make matters worse, a woman (probably on crack) appeared to be waiting for a handicapped spot with a whole line of traffic behind her because she was in the middle of the aisle, blocking anyone from going either way. Seriously, it was a scary situation. We finally got out of it though and made it home, where we realized that we didn't have enough lasagna noodles to make dinner. So, you guessed it, we went back out to the store. (I don't know how I made it because my knee hurt so badly that I wanted to cry.) At the grocery store, we got the noodles and then ran back to the bakery to talk to a cake decorator. When we walked up, a girl asked Phoenix, "Did you need help?" Of course, Phoenix can't help herself as she answers, "No, we're just standing here." I cut in and asked if they made edible images because I'm making a cake for Phoenix's niece, "Goofy" this weekend and she loves WOW, so I thought I'd make a cake that looks like the box for the first WOW game...The girl replied, "Yes." I asked if I could just get an image or if I had to buy a whole cake, to which she said, "You'd have to talk to my decorator." Really? Your decorator? She was like 17 and too busy flirting with some guy to even help us in the first place, so I would hope she wasn't in charge. WTH? My other option is to make a beach cake, which might be fun! I saw some cool ideas online. I'm going to consider it tonight and then I'll let you all know what I end up doing.

The point about bringing up running all over Timbuktu and back is this: When we got home from Walmart and racquetball, I had taken off my t-shirt because I had been planning on going to take a shower. So, I was running around in the tank top (wife-beater) that I had on under it. Then we decided to go to the grocery store to get the noodles. Phoenix was in the kitchen drinking water as I grabbed my keys and said, "Let's go." I made it a few steps before realizing that I was still in my wife-beater, which I won't be caught dead in around other people. Fat girls should not wear tank tops...I'm just saying. I turned back to Phoenix and said, "I just almost walked out without my shirt on!" She then proceeded to spit water out, repeatedly, because she was trying to stop herself. It's been a while since I made someone spit a drink out of their mouth because I made them laugh....Bwahahaha! She did say though, as we were walking out (with my shirt on), "I wouldn't have noticed because I'm used to you wearing them around the apartment..." Gee, thanks honey, for always looking out for me!

So, I think I mentioned before that Phoenix's niece, Little Phoenix, also blogs. I totally enjoy her blogs. She's a great writer. I thought I would share a snip-it from her blog about our adventure to the library, art museum, and model homes. This is about our trip to the library and I think you'll all laugh as much as I did...

WE get there and guess who we see! My mom. HA no, it was Red's "Boyfriend." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
OH what a laugh there... the guy looked liked a WEIRDO. Its hard to explain how he looked but he was totally not who i pictured. (i do remember how his belly HUNG OUT OF HIS SHIRT! ewwwwww!) it was disturbing at the time. and then my tia thinks its a great idea to go and take pictures of him, I mean what is he? a model? A famous person... eh not close enough dude...
Anyway so Red was parking the car but then she comes up and apparently the dude's face goes from blues to HOO HOOS! Boy was he happy. So we wait in line and wait and wait and wait and then the doors open at 1. (okay so we weren't waiting forever but if you know me, you know i over exaggerate.) So after getting our Little card to go in and get another pass for the art museum, we walk in and I'm in back with my tia and Red, Grumpy and Princess are up front. The guy comes our way and passes Red. Then I think he was trying to talk to her. His poor little face when she didn't say anything."
I think my favorite part is "the dude's face goes from blues to HOO HOOS!" Anyway, I just had to share because I thought it was absolutely funny and worth reading. I hope Little Phoenix doesn't mind because I didn't ask before I copied and pasted it...lol.

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