Yes, so I know that I owe you guys a few blogs...I have some funny pictures from the cancer walk I want to share, but I also have some great pictures from Sedona this past weekend. I just went to start putting the pictures together into the movie maker thing and you know what? Of course you don't...Wait for me to tell you! Rude. Anyway, so I was going to put them together and they're all mixed up!! Like the pictures from the beginning of our trip are shown at the end, which doesn't work. I started to move them, but it's very time consuming and I have to go to work shortly. I will finish it tonight when I get home and post it. So, look for it tomorrow.
Since I'm here and all, I thought I could share a couple of things with you...You know, things I'm not supposed to. Yes, that's right--Classified information! No, I'm not sharing anymore secrets from Walmart, but I could...*considers this* No, let's move along...
So, secret number one...Last week, I can't remember what night it was, I was laying in bed with Phoenix talking before we went to sleep. Anyway, so we're laying there and she was being silly and then suddenly burst into song, singing, "We could make our own musical!" That's what she sang. I was like, "Umm...What?" Apparently, because I love musicals and think life would be more interesting if everyone danced and sang (sung? singed? lol This is awkward...), Phoenix feels the need to mock me...every chance she gets...seriously. *straight face* So, she sings the line again and then says, "Go!" As if I know the next line...I don't know the next line. It was like 12:30 am and I'm tired. Singing is not what I'm thinking of as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep! She then gets up to go to the bathroom one last time and keeps singing. "We could make our musical! Where all our dreams comes true!" I sang back, "Oh yeah?" She sang, "We'll make all our dreams come true!" And she used Jazz hands, which she made fun of me for using when I belted out, "California here I come" as we drove across the CA/AZ border last time we went out there...She thought it was strange that I sang as though I were on Broadway, with hand gestures and loud singing...Anyway, the other night, the homemade musical only got worse after that, so we'll skip the rest of the corny lyrics...But it made me realize something...Phoenix is a big freakin' weirdo. I'm not though...*shifty eyes*
Dang it...I cannot remember what the other thing was I said I was going to put in here, much to her horror. Well, there was one thing, but I was kidding about putting it in here...Anyway, I suppose it all comes down to this-- Phoenix is weird. Bwahahahaha!!
Speaking of Phoenix, it was one and a half years ago today that we decided to get together! Crazy, huh? We've come a long way...And, in about a month, it'll be one year since I quit smoking. Really crazy, huh? We had a discussion about my not smoking anymore the other day as we drove home from Sedona. Well, that and my not drinking as much soda anymore either. I pointed out that there was a time when had you said, "Starbucks, Pepsi, Marlboros, and Books" people would've said, "HEATHER!" Hell, even Pepsi and Marlboros...I was never without either. Now, I don't smoke at all and I've cut way back on the soda. I find it's easier to cut back if I don't keep the stuff in the house. Otherwise, I'll grab for it, but I've even gotten better about that. It's weird how things can change so much and you don't even think about it...
On the other hand, the giving up of smoking and excessive amounts of soda are good for my health. I went to the doctor the other day for a follow-up on my labs. I found out that my blood sugar was a little elevated, which the doctor warned is more or less pre-diabetic. Fuck! So, yeah, I'm cutting back on this shit and going to try to lose weight because I don't want to be diabetic!! My protein levels are a little low, but nothing bad. My thyroid is really underactive, which is why the doctor has now doubled my dosage of the thyroid meds. I go in for labs again in a few weeks. She think she'll have to raise my dosage again. We'll see. On the plus side of everything, and really, the only good thing about the labs, was my cholesterol. Go away, Phoenix. I know, you don't care and you don't want to hear it. *rolls eyes* Seriously though, my cholesterol was 136. Hello! That's fucking awesome right there!! I am considered like deathly overweight, but I have good cholesterol! I think that just goes to show that I'm not eating this crazy diet of fattening foods and crap like the doctor envisioned. Even she was surprised. Haha! Okay, that's it...You can read again, Phoenix. So, yeah, I just need to lose weight and start working out and perhaps I'll get healthier...We'll see. I just wish my schedule wasn't so funky...It'd be easier to work out then...
Well, folks, that's it for me. I need to get ready for work. BAH!!! Stupid Walmart. And stupid Walmart shoppers. For the record, it's not okay to go shopping in pj pants ALL THE TIME!! Yesterday, just from what I saw at the deli counter and walking back to clock in/out, I saw at least 10 people in pj pants. WTF? Even men!! It's so gross.
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