Okay, Sedona was freakin' awesome! I want to go back again and walk around more and explore more. It was so beautiful. I'm a nature lover...Well, as much as I can be since I only use real bathrooms (No peeing in the bushes for me!), like the comforts of sleeping in a bed, and consider it a "hike" when I have to park really far away from the store. LOL Just kidding!! Kind of...I do love nature, but I don't necessarily want to be all up in it all the time, but I love seeing the beautiful scenery...Make sense? Probably not, but hey, whatever. Moving on...So, Sedona was gorgeous. I wish we had a better camera so we could've captured the many vivid colors we saw in the rocks and the trees. I saw a man on the side of this little side road taking pictures with this amazing camera that looked like the type that still used real film...I was tempted to run him over and take the camera, but Karma's a bitch and I didn't want to later get ran over and have my camera stolen because of what I had done...
We went to a little old ghost town about thirty minutes from Sedona called, Jerome. It was this little mountain town at like 5,500 feet. Very cool place. They had some amazing artwork...And now that I think about it, I have pictures on my phone that I didn't include! DAMN! Oh well, I'll post them later. (I couldn't take real pictures because it's "art", you know? Like I'm going to come home and blow my own glass vases...Idiots. The only thing I blow is--Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter! I was going to say bubbles!! And don't ask who bubbles is! *shifty eyes*) Okay, so we explored the town for a while and saw cool stuff, which is in my photo montage. Five minutes in that mining town and I was busting out old 8-tracks of the Carpenters and wearing cowboy hats...No really. *straight face*
The other big event of our time there was sitting through a time share presentation. Of course, we didn't have to because Phoenix's dad owns enough time share to take his family of 900 children and grandchildren on cool trips to places like Hawaii and well, like anywhere. So, yeah, we don't need to buy our own. We sat through it though to get the $75 Visa gift card and a free 3-day/2-night stay at their resorts in Tahoe, Vegas, Orlando, Sedona, or like two other places. Hell yeah, we'll take the free gifts! So, we listened to this woman talk and talk and talk...And they wouldn't give up. They said only 90-minutes, but we were there for longer than that. In the end, we walked away without buying a thing, but we got our free stuff and a couple of free sodas and snacks while we were there. LOL Hey, I'm a Jew! My grandma would be proud of me to get free stuff like that!!
So, yeah, the trip was cool. It sucks being in tourist towns though because everything is more expensive. Our first night there we went to the store to buy a few groceries for breakfast and such so we didn't have to eat out the whole time, you know? So, at Safeway they had steak for $10 a pound. Say what!? There was a package of two other steaks for over $30. I was like, "OH HELL NO!" I couldn't believe it. We went to a couple of restaurants on Sunday night for dinner and ended up a pizza place because the steakhouses were outrageous. I don't pay $35 for sirloin steak...*rolls eyes* So, at this pizza place, they had gourmet pizzas. I was so excited. We got a meaty pizza, which was good, but our waiter was a moron. I ordered an iced tea with no lemon. He brought it with lemon and then looked at me as he asked, "Oh. You didn't want lemon, did you?" I said, "No. It's fine." He then took the lemon off my glass right there at the table and walked off with it. He might as well have put his fingers in my glass, you know? It was just so rude and awkward. He returned a moment later and asked, "Did you want a new tea?" I said it was fine, but he must've seen the look of horror on my face. I don't think I've ever taken a lemon off a customers glass before like that in front of them. Honestly though, he was a bad waiter...Still, we tipped him because he did bring us our food....Perhaps I was just put off by his weird long hair pulled back in a ponytail. Who the hell does he think he is, Fabio?
All in all, the trip was a wonderful get away from reality. We are now looking into doing other small trips around here to explore...I'm looking forward to it! And without further ado...Here's my trip in pictures...
I took a moment to upload the other pictures from my phone...I saw these things and thought they were so cool, but I'm not rich, so I couldn't get any...
Looks like a really nice place!You actually look cute in your cowgirl hat!