Thursday, January 21, 2010

Craig's List...

You know, people use Craig's List to sell stuff, find roommates, find jobs, etc...There are even personal ads on Craig's List, which is a bit weird, but hey, everyone needs love...Okay, they're probably not looking for love on Craig's List, but you know what I mean. So, there's a section for people looking for friends too. How do I know this, you ask? No, not because I am so desperate that I needed to go looking for friends, but because Phoenix was looking at Craig's List and then asks, "What's platonic?" I said, "Friends." She said, "Oh. You can find friends on here." I then insisted I didn't need friends that badly. Of course, this is the part where she continued looking at the ads because she doesn't believe me. As she read off an ad to me, which I found mildly amusing because it sounded like the girl was looking for a girlfriend (not in a platonic sort of way) even though she said, "I'm not looking for a date." Yeah, I wasn't looking for a date either when I had an ad up saying I was looking for a partner in crime. *shifty eyes* Hey, don't give me that look! Phoenix found me! I simply threw out the baited hook to see what would come to me when I reeled it in. But I digress...

Anyway, reading these ridiculous ads gave me an idea...What if I were to respond to them and meet some of these people and then write a book about the type of people who are so desperate for human connections that they turn to online websites to find that? Hey, I might make some friends along the way, people I would never meet in regular day-to-day life, I'm sure, but it could be worth it, no? I mean, seriously, some of these people may be out right lunatics!! Others may have been burned so badly by so-called friends that they are kind of scared to put themselves out there, but they figure they could start by talking to strangers online because seriously, that's not real life. Just ask Phoenix--She'll tell you how much easier it is to talk to people online rather than in person. Well, she never has trouble talking to me in person, but seriously, she's way more shy in person than she was online. I think this could work! Seriously. I probably shouldn't have thrown my idea out here, huh? Ehh...Whatever.

Who're we kidding? I'm not going to do this. For one thing, I'd have to put myself out there. For another, I'd have to come up with creative names for all the people I met. And it would take time and I could get myself killed!! For all I know, I could meet a serial killer!! Hmm...Might still be fun though. Phoenix thinks that I should place an ad online to meet people...She said I could respond to the ads too, just not to the lesbian ones--only straight girls can be my friends apparently. I suppose that's my own fault because I pointed out that she had told me we could be "friends" when we first started talking and look where we are now. Hahaha!!

Hey, friend of mine who is moving in the next month or so, if you're reading this then you should take note. I'm sure they have Craig's List in Kentucky, so you can make friends there. Hahaha!!

On a side note, it's raining here again. I'm not sure how much more water AZ can hold, but I think we're almost at our limit...Also, I find it so amusing that my mom was complaining last night about how cold it was at her house, but I was here in my apartment, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and it was 78 degrees in here without the heater on. It's 52 out today, which isn't hot, but I have a window open and I ran errands in shorts and a polo earlier...I think I love AZ...Well, not in the summer, but this is nice. It's January and I can wear shorts. Does life get any better? *grins* Oh shut up. I know I still work at Walmart, so yes, life can get better. Just let me have my moment, you spoil sport! *shakes fist angrily*

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