So, I know that in Cali it's been raining and such. Well, it rained here yesterday and it's supposed to rain for the rest of the week too. Last night it started raining at about 3:30pm or so and rained most of the night. I guess we got over an inch of rain. We are now the happy renters of a lakeside apartment. Here's a shot of our courtyard from the stairs outside our place:
Crazy, huh? Normally that's all grass, except the volleyball court, which is sand (or mud now). They're calling for another 4-9 inches of rain here. I don't even know what that much water will do to the city. Oh well. At least we live on the second floor; we'll be safe. *grins*
We went to see The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus the other day. It was pretty good. Phoenix said, "It was weird." But she said not in a bad way. I would agree it was a bit strange, but only because it was so surreal, which is what made it awesome. It was like a Salvador Dali picture come to life. The strangest part was realizing how much Heath Ledger looked like Johnny Depp. Go see the movie and you'll understand. I think this was Ledger's last picture...Anyway, it's worth it to go see it. It's about a man (Christopher Plummer) who makes a bet with the devil...And then keeps making bets. Don't people know you're not to deal with the devil??? Makes for a great movie. I have a question though--Why does the devil always smoke? In most movies, the devil smokes, be it a cigar or a cigarette, he's a smoker. Is it because smoking is bad and the devil is bad, so the two go hand-in-hand? Hmm...Whatever.
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