First things first...Phoenix bought me a book for writers. It's a book of publishers, literary agents, writing contests, etc, etc, etc...It should be called, The Writer's Bible...Well, no, I suppose that would be the dictionary, but yeah. The book is awesome. A friend of mine had purchased it and told me about it. So, I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a way to get paid for writing...Wouldn't that be nice? Here's to hoping!!
Speaking of earning money, I have to work shortly. It probably wouldn't be so bad today, but I have the sort of pounding headache that makes me snappy and gives me the urge to bite people's heads off for no apparent reason. While driving Phoenix to work, I honked at some jackass who was blocking the fast lane. According to Phoenix, it was a woman, broken down, and calling for help on her cellphone. Whatever. If you're broken down, you should put on your hazards and if they don't work in the back (Only the hazards in the front were going), then stick an arm out the window and motion for people to drive around or something! Of course, to Phoenix, I was being "mean". Then I honked at some moron who cut me off! The van in front of him was going slow, so he cut in front of me with barely enough room for his piece of shit car to fit. I honked and flung up my hands at him. (I didn't flip him off like Phoenix thought I had.) As luck would have it, he works with Phoenix...Not with her, with her, but at the same place. *rolls eyes* Of course. I'm hoping that I have released most of my snappiness because I fear I'm going to freak out on a customer...Or a boss if the new schedule is posted and my hours are nonexistent. They've been threatening to cut them, so let's see what happens...I called their bluff and I fear they'll win.
What I hope for the most right now though, is not to win the lottery or anything like that, but for this headache to go away. After dropping Phoenix off at work, I was supposed to drop our Netflix in the mail. Well, I drove past the mailbox we normally use and then I thought, "Oh, I'll go to the post office down the road and drop it in." Well, the post office isn't there anymore. So, I decided to go to the post office I normally go to. I ended up about a mile past it before realizing I had driven the wrong way. My head hurts so badly that I cannot think clearly. I'm not sure it's a migraine, but it's damn close. I want to curl up with a pillow, a blanket, and go to sleep. Sleep will help. Instead though, I'll put on my work clothes and go take a bunch of bullshit from ghetto ass people.
That's great that Phoenix got you that book! How exciting! Also, I hope work went well. Working with the people is always fun, isn't it?