See! It's a very scary doll. I don't know why the doll's shirt is up. I don't ask. Anyway, for the last couple of days, the doll was lying on the floor by the hall closet upstairs. I don't like the doll and have no desire to touch it, so I haven't moved it. I'm not stupid...I've seen Child's Play and Twilight Zone...Leave the fucking dolls alone! But I digress...So, said doll was lying on the floor. Last night, I went upstairs to go to bed and as I made my way to my room, I stopped to check the thermostat, which is across the hall from the laundry room. As I turned away from the thermostat, the doll was standing there in the laundry room, not facing me like in the pic, but turned away from me...almost like how in The Blair Witch Project the kids stood facing the corner and then you knew you were dead because the Blair Witch was behind you. Same thing. I jumped and was ready to run. Flight or fight? I'm flying. Like I would've leapt down the stairs and been out the front door before that doll could've said her name was Talking Tina. It was only after a second that I realized it was just standing there and not about to attack me that my heart chilled a bit. I did hurry into my room though to wake Phoenix up to tell her I didn't think it was funny that the doll was moved and nearly gave me a heart attack. She laughed and said it had scared her too.
Now, I ask...What's a good way to get rid of this doll? Like seriously, it freaks me out. It's irrational, I know, but I can't stand that thing. It looks at me with its doll eyes and I'm just waiting for the head to turn and be like, "Come play with me" or "Want to play a game?" I'm so not down with that. And did you see--it's missing its left arm! Like if that thing comes to life, it's going to be pissed that it's missing an arm! That's going to make it so much harder for the damn thing to attack people! Even as I sit here now typing this, the floorboards upstairs are creaking and I know it's just the house, but my whacked out imagination tells me it's Talking Tina sneaking downstairs to attack me. Ugh...Is it mean to throw the damned thing away?
In other news, since I didn't get the stupid job at work, I'm still stuck taking calls every day from idiots who shouldn't be allowed to leave their houses. Today I got bitched out by some guy who wanted to redispute a charge from last year for advertising that didn't bring in any business. The merchant he was disputing this with provided almost 200 pages of proof they did what they were supposed to. This guy flipped his lid saying that all people in Phoenix are fucking crooks and thieves. He said the entire city is filled with criminals. I let him vent for a while before I finally said, "Sir, I live in Phoenix." Then he was like, "Oh, well then you know!" And that's pretty much what I told him. I mean, really. Come on. That's like saying everyone in NY is an asshole. There are jerks out there, but not everyone is rude. I wouldn't even generalize that much about people in Paris and there were some seriously rude people there! But this guy, for over 20 minutes, bitched at me before I was like, "I can't help. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do." Then he really lost it and for another couple of minutes told me how inadequate I am. I don't believe I'm a moron, but it gets old hearing this day in and day out. I want to apply for different positions at my work because I cannot stand being on the phones anymore, but I have Phoenix (I wonder if she's a crook...hmmm...) and my boss telling me to be careful what I post for since I wanted the coaching position. They're not hiring anymore coaches for a long time, so what--I'm supposed to hang out on the phones for another few years until they hire again? Fuck that, I say! They say, "It'll make you look desperate to get off the phones." Fuck yeah, that's what I want! I'm so sick of listening to people's shit every day. And I'm tired of playing this stupid fucking game of pretending like I care--Newsflash, folks: I don't fucking care! And I lie to you all day long! I spew lies all day! I've never been so busy with a vacation that I forgot to pay all my bills including my mortgage...And do you know why? Because I'm not stupid in my spare time! Fuck...*le sigh* LOL One of my friends at work said that at work today and it made me laugh...Le Sigh. Like I'm French. Anyway, I need a new job. I got an email back about a teaching job, but I don't have my certification for AZ, so guess that won't be happening...
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