Monday, November 11, 2013

Random Late Night Thoughts...

I have a few things to talk about, but I know which one I want to start with. I've come to the realization that I must be one of those people who has a face that says, "Tell me random shit. I truly want to hear it." I mean, people tell me the most random shit about themselves and once I hear it, I can never un-hear it! Like it's always there in my head. My boss, last week, was meeting with me for my weekly one-to-one (where I tell her everything going on with my team and she nods, smiles, and sends me on my way wondering if I'm doing the right thing because she gives me very little feedback) and I mentioned one of my newbies had her baby and is out on leave. I joked about how this girl had contractions at work and then after her shift went and had the baby. Crazy, right? Well, my boss then starts telling me about the birth of her second son and how she had him 20 minutes after getting to the hospital. (There's a lot more to this story, but that's the gist of it.) And as she was finishing her story, she caught herself and was all, "Why am I even telling you this? I don't think I've told anyone here about this!" And I was like, "Um, because I mentioned that (person's name here) had her baby." She laughed a little and was all, "Oh yeah!" *laughs more* And then says, "Okay, so now that you know that...What else is going on?" And I was sitting there wondering how this happens. Another leader the other day told me about how her brother had come out of the closet to her and then later told me about when he broke up with his first boyfriend and she cried because she had cared for the boyfriend like her own brother. Dude...I just want to do my work. Other leaders come to me and vent about random shit and I just sit there smiling as my mind wanders to things like, "Can I really save 15% on my auto insurance by calling Geico? And why does the Gecko in those commercials have an accent?" Or "Would they notice if I dozed off as they tell me this lame story? If I fell asleep, would I get reprimanded?" And sometimes I think things like, "I really should've eaten something more substantial than a piece of toast before coming in. I wonder if they can hear my stomach growling..." I mean, really, people, ain't nobody got time for that. And I don't want to know these things! I don't want to hear about your child birth! There is a reason why I'm not popping kids out of my va-jay-jay! Stories like that make me cringe like a man seeing another man get kicked in the balls. *shivers*

Another thing I want to vent about is Highway Patrol. Look, you caught me speeding. Why do we need to go 'round and 'round with stupid questions about where I'm coming from and where I'm going? I mean, it's not exciting that I was on my home from dinner. I wonder though what would've happened if I answered sarcastically like, "I just got done robbing Walmart. I stole all their KY Jelly. And now I'm on my way to meet up with my drug mule. I have a busy night ahead of me...So can we hurry this along?" I suspect he would've made me get out of my truck, which really would've pissed me off, but let's be real--what the fuck did he think I was going to say? And does it matter? I mean, I'm getting a fucking ticket either way. And this guy was a real D-bag because he gave me a ticket for having my old truck's insurance card. My bad...I put the wrong one in my truck. I told him, "You can check. I have insurance." He said, "I can't check. We don't check that." And then told me I have to go to court to show my insurance card. Well thank you very fucking much, Officer Douche Bag! That's exactly how I want to spend my day off. *rolls eyes* For the record, I'm not talking shit about cops or sheriffs--this was a highway patrol officer and he was a dick! Anyone else who would've had to deal with this guy would agree.

Thirdly, this second shift at work sucks balls. Because of meetings and trainings, I end up going in early ALL THE FUCKING TIME, but I still end up staying until 10pm or later. This isn't fair. Today I worked 11 hours. Tomorrow will be another 11 hour day. I'm supposed to work 8 hour shifts. Yes, I get overtime for it, but it still sucks and then it leaves very little time for me to sleep. I am exhausted, but my brain keeps going. And I've had a headache for two days. I'm so tired tonight that I'm short on patience. This one girl on my team who constantly tests my patience and my will to live kept testing me tonight. I think part of it is because we got a new girl and she's trying to see how I'm going to act. Why would you fuck with your boss? I just don't get it. Granted, there was a point in my life when I was a lot younger that it was fun to fuck with my bosses...but it was Burger King. Big difference, you know? I put her in her place every time she started with me and then she left early. I wonder if she'll make it a habit of leaving early if I don't play into her bullshit...

Lastly, on my way home from work tonight I was belting out some good songs when suddenly It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) came on. I really, truly want to learn the lyrics to this song one day. I want to be able to bust out that song because no one really knows it. They mumble random words until they get to that one word or small phrase they know and then they scream that out like a five year old...And of course we all know the chorus. But I want to know all the words. I'm putting this on my bucket list. *looks around for a scrap of paper* Maybe I should put down that I also want to know all the words to that song Informer from Snow too...Hmmm...decisions, decisions...

Yup, random late night thougths brought to you by Heather. You're welcome.