Monday, May 17, 2010

A French Fry...AKA Our Two-Year Anniversary

So, as of tomorrow, Phoenix and I will have been together for 2 years. I decided that we should go out today to celebrate it since we both work on Tuesdays. I offered to take her out to dinner, which she was down for. Before we could go to dinner and such, we had to run some errands, mostly to find me some new shoes for our up-coming NY/DC/Philly trip. This is where the fun began...*rolls eyes*

We headed to a local mall to hit up JCPenny's because I had a giftcard from my grandma from God only knows how long ago. Plus, Phoenix's mom had some coupons, so we went to go look around. I had gone to a Penny's yesterday, but they didn't have shoes in my size. Now, before you all start with the jokes, let me tell you they were all too damn big!! Yesterday, the guy was trying to give me extra wide shoes. Seriously, I could've slid my foot from side to side in those shoes. Like both my feet could almost fit in one! I have normal width feet, no matter what people may tell you. They're big, but not wide. Moving on...

Before we got to the mall, Phoenix said, "I'm hungry. Let's go to Miracle Mile for one of their sandwiches." We agreed we would share one of their BBQ Pastrami sandwiches, which freakin' rock! We got the sandwich and sat down to eat. I don't know what the hell we were discussing as we ate because as I bit into a french fry, another one of my fucking teeth broke. Seriously!? A soft fucking french fry. Wait, I don't think you're getting this--A FUCKING FRENCH FRY BROKE MY TOOTH!! Phoenix's great niece, who's only 4 months old, could chew this french fry with her gums, yet it broke my tooth!! Luckily, it's far enough back that no one can see it, but I know it's there. It's a molar and I'm guessing it probably had a cavity. Only half of it broke off...Still...A FUCKING FRENCH FRY! It wasn't like I was chomping away on a brick...Or an everlasting gobstopper...Or some steel. A FRENCH FRY!! *shakes fist angrily* Whatever. I'm so over my teeth. And to top it all off, my dentist won't even see me until June 2nd for my crown on my other tooth. Now, I have a broken tooth on the right side and a temp-filling on the left side. Looks like I'll be eating lots of soup, applesauce, and smoothies...A FRENCH FRY!!!

Phoenix immediately offered for us to go home since I was upset, but I said no. So, we went to Penny's. As we walked through the mall, Phoenix asked , "Didn't your teeth get the memo?" I asked, "What memo?" To which she replied, "You don't live in a trailer park anymore." I shoved her down the escalator to her death.

Okay, fine, I didn't shove her down the escalator, but I might've thought about it. She's mean!!By the way...A FRENCH FRY! *rolls eyes* Eventually, we made it to Penny's. I actually found shoes in my size...Okay, who're we kidding? They're the same kind of Nike's I already have. Whatever. I like them. Then we found clothes on sale and picked up some stuff. With all her mom's coupons and everything, we got two pairs of shorts, two shirts, my shoes, a shirt for her grandpa, and some pj-pants for her grandpa and everything was $67. My shoes were on sale for $54.99, so obviously her mom worked a deal there. Crazy, huh?

After all this, we finally headed to Scottsdale to go to Dave and Buster's, which was Phoenix's choice. Once inside, Phoenix took away all the fun of playing my favorite game at D&B's. Seriously. I'm not kidding. We sat down to play the game where you drop in the token to push the other tokens off the ledge. I like the Monopoly version of this game. Anyway, Phoenix was playing next to me and figured out how to get the bonus. Apparently, you need to drop the coin and have it pass over the hat or car symbol as it lights up. (I swear this would make more sense if you saw the game.) As I played, she kept telling me I was doing it wrong. Then she swore I was playing against her since I insisted on using my tokens to play my game the regular way instead of trying for the bonus. Seriously? Let me play the game!! But NOOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOOOoooO, she has to keep telling me how to do it. I have lousy timing. No joke. In the end, I tried to watch her play, even though she kept insisting I should play. I hope to one day find a game she loves and ruin it...You know, just for shits and giggles. *grins*

After playing for a while, we went to eat. What the hell is wrong with people? Is it hard to get good service? What do I have to do to get good service? We shared a dinner and it was room temperature by the time the guy brought it out. Mmm, room temp steak. We also shared a dessert...It was called, "Hot powdered donut holes" to be served with raspberry sauce and chocolate sauce. The sauces were cold and the the donut holes were not hot, but lukewarm. *rolls eyes* Stupid slow server. I didn't complain...I just don't know what the problem is though. It's not hard to be a server. I've been there, done that. As we ate, we discussed how we've managed to stay together for two years since people believed it was doomed from the get-go. I mean, long distance relationships rarely work, you know? She tried saying that it's because we spent so much time doing the long distance thing, so that took a chunk of the two years. lol Whatever. I think it's because I have the patience of a saint. In fact, I should become a saint simply for being with her. *grins* She disagrees. She thinks it's because we know how to put up with each other. Sounds nice, huh? LOL I think she meant we work together. Like we make up for the other ones imperfections...Or something like that. Who knows how we've lasted this long? Oh well. I suppose all that matters is that we've made it...And despite her comments about me being ex-trailer trash, I suppose she loves me...

One more thing...A FUCKING FRENCH FRY!!! WTF!?

Happy Anniversary, Phoenix. I love you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'll probably look like a zombie come 6am!

Last night I worked an overnight shift at work. It was only a one time thing and I only did it to be nice. My pharmacy lead (In a regular store, he'd be the manager of the OTC pharmacy, but Walmart calls them "leads". This is probably so they don't have to pay them more money.) asked me if I'd work overnight with him to reset our vitamin aisle. I agreed, much to Phoenix's chagrin. I figure it was like pay back for all the times she works early shifts, wakes me up, and makes it impossible for me to go back to sleep. *grins* Just kidding!! Sorta...

Anyway, so last night was the appointed night and I forced myself to sleep for a short while yesterday evening...It only took two Tylenol PMs and a Benadryl to knock me out. I went in to work and was teased by the night manager who said I was now a "zombie". I said, "I'll probably look like a zombie come 6am." He laughed. He swore he would see me with a Rockstar in my hand by 2 or 3 am...He was wrong. I didn't even make it to midnight! Just kidding! I had a soda at midnight and a Poweraid later, but I was fine. It took me and the lead, we'll call him, "The Ruiner". Apparently, this is what his wife calls him because he breaks things...Probably not on purpose; he's just sort of rough around the edges. But I digress...It took the Ruiner and me nearly 6 hours to complete the aisle. I think, out of all the vitamins on the aisle, that maybe 20 kinds stayed in their original spot. The rest had to be moved and we had to reset the spacing on the push-shelve-things. (Sliders. Whatever the hell they're called.) According to Walmart, it was supposed to take 3 people at least 8 hours to complete it. So, I think we rocked it.

As I worked, I came to realize a few strange things. First, Walmart is eerily quiet and calm at around 1am. Like there were no customers and it was not such a bad place to hang out. Second, the night crew take all their breaks and lunch together...Like the manager announces when it's time to take a break or to take lunch. For some reason, I suddenly felt like a worker in a factory...Or even worse, like someone in 1984. I was scared the thought police were going to come get me. Third, the whole night crew seemed to smoke. Seriously, when it was break time, they were busting out packs of smokes and heading outside. Fourth, come 2-3am, a cigarette sounds mighty tempting. No, I didn't smoke.

Here's a question I have for everyone...Who the hell goes big grocery shopping at midnight or later? For the love of God, shop like a normal person! When I went to buy my soda, I had to stand in line behind a woman with a cart over-flowing with groceries and a drunk man buying a Marie-Calendar's Pot Pie. It took forever for this woman to pay for her groceries too. When I was done paying for my drink, I looked back to see two other women with overflowing carts. WTF? Is that a special time to go shopping? Or do these women wait for their children to fall asleep and then take off? I don't get it...

Also, yesterday, I had my last physical therapy appointment. Can I tell you how great it felt to be able to say "Peace Out" to them? Don't get me wrong, it was helpful, but fuck, I hate trying to workout and having someone standing there watching my every move. Like sometimes I just wanted to ask, "Do you like watching the fat girl workout? Is this fun for you?" Of course, I never said these things, but it's how I felt. I'm glad to be done though. Yesterday, when I was about halfway through my workout, an older woman came in. She was in there one other time with me and she's pretty funny. The previous time, she had said to me, "You make it all look easy." I said it wasn't easy at all. Then later had asked, "Please tell you're some kind of athlete. You make it look far easier than you should." I only laughed and shook my head. I didn't share with her that the only type of athlete I was qualified to be was a Sumo Wrestler. So, she comes in yesterday and has a good laugh when my physical therapist had me try some other exercise where he put a giant rubber band-like thing around my ankles and made me do side-steps to stretch it out. Seriously, not cool. As I was leaving, she told me that I was an inspiration to her. She had a total knee replacement a year ago. She's also had some other surgeries, so she's doing like total physical therapy. I have no idea how I'm an inspiration...I was a little touched though. Before I left, I wished her the best of luck. Seriously though...How the hell was I an inspiration? Because I went through my workout and didn't complain? Or because I pushed aside the pain and did it anyway? Who knows? I do wish her luck though. However, I am super excited that I don't have to get up early to go there anymore! WOO HOO!!!

I guess that's it for now...I was thinking about a blog earlier, but then I dozed off for a while and I cannot for the life of me remember what it was...Oh well. Until next time...Peace.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peace be with you

Okay, so I decided that today would be the day I would blog. I know, it's been a while and trust me when I say that I have not been okay with not blogging. I mentally write blogs all day long, every day, but I never sit down to write them. I've even been thinking about V-logging, but again, I'm apparently lazy or something because I just don't do anything. I suppose this is all beside the point though, right? The point is, I'm freakin' blogging! I'd like to thank Cold Play for that. I am listening to Viva La Vida right now and I swear, I feel like I can take over the world while listening to this song! (What are we doing tonight, Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky--Try to take over the world!) Am I the only who feels that way? Surely not...

Moving on...Let's get caught up, shall we? So, my left knee is just about completely healed. I would include pics of the mini scars I am left with, but my camera is down in the car and as mentioned above, I'm lazy. Well, that and another reason I'll get to shortly. I've been going to physical therapy twice a week for a month now and my knee is getting strong again. It's nice to be able to go up and down stairs and not have my knee feel as though it's going to give out, lock up, etc on me. And as I mentioned, I only have three small scars. They're still bright pink, but I know they'll fade. I'm happy with the overall result.

So, I also don't want to go downstairs because I have a broken tooth and walking around, working out, running up and down stairs, etc hurts it more. It just sounds so ghetto to say that. Like I keep picturing some snaggle-toothed tweaker or something. Whatever. You can't see the broken tooth, but if they pull it, you'll be able to see when I smile. Anyway, the tooth had been cracked and then chipped a while back. I kept meaning to go to the dentist, but I was more concerned with paying off our trip to New York, you know? Plus, it didn't hurt. Then it started getting worse. I decided I would make an appointment after I got paid. I got paid last Thursday and didn't call...Apparently, I should've. On Saturday morning, I was getting ready to go to a First Holy Communion and I was drinking ice tea. I took a sip and OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY IN THIS WORLD I felt as though someone stabbed me in the tooth with a huge butcher knife and then shoved some glass in there for good measure. I actually felt light-headed it hurt so freakin' bad. I went to brush my teeth in hopes of making it go away. This didn't help. Whilst swishing Listerine around in my mouth, it occurred to me that I should've called the dentist sooner. Don't give me that look; we all put stuff off! Can I just tell you how hard it is to sit through a holy communion and confirmation when your face is hurting and your entire mouth is throbbing??? It's hard. Luckily, I go to the doctor tomorrow...Here's to hoping they don't have to pull the tooth. I'm good with a crown...

So, Catholic Church...I don't get it. I've only ever been to a Catholic church for a funeral...I've never sat through Mass or any of that before. Allow me to share some of my impressions of this church with you. Firstly, why in the heck is the priest dude called "Very Reverend" and then his name??? Like he's not just a reverend, but very much a reverend? I was so confused. I almost raised my hand to ask, but decided it was probably better not to. Plus, my face hurt. Secondly, why in the hell do we have to stand, sit, stand, kneel, sit, stand, put my left foot in, take my left foot out, shake hands, sit, etc? Okay, maybe there was no Hokey Pokey, but you know what I mean! Yes, I know, it's to keep me awake, right? Or is it that the Catholic church is doing their part to fight obesity? Whatever. All I know is that I couldn't keep up and it only made my face throb more. What's up with the Priest dude (Yes, that's what I call him! And no, I'm not going to go to hell for that!) saying stuff in a sing-song voice? And the bells? OMG! I thought someone's phone was going off! (By the way, Phoenix was incredibly amused by my reactions as I watched it all. She said I looked scared.) Here's my biggest question-- Why is it that when their choir sang some song, I found myself immediately picturing some horrible murder scene like in a movie? Seriously, I was picturing blood splattering up a wall (as though someone was being stabbed or hit with a baseball bat or something) and then the scene would cut back to the church singers with a girl belting out some part of the song, then back to the murder scene. As I found myself feeling guilty for thinking this, Phoenix leans over and whispers, "I'm totally picturing a murder scene!" Of course, I told her she was going to hell, crossed myself, and scooted away from her. lol It must've been in a movie though. Weird, huh? Perhaps the Devil's Advocate? Hmm...I don't know. All in all, Catholic church was an experience in and of itself. I don't get it. It's all so ritualistic. Like our church has a routine, but we haven't been taught to say certain things at certain times like "Peace be with you" or the other things they say. It all felt so cult-ish. I know, some people are going to be pissed at me for saying that, but just stop and think about it. I have NEVER in my life been to a Catholic mass. It was a strange experience. Now though, I want to go see other churches and how their message is delivered. It's interesting to compare and contrast.

What else is new? Umm...Nothing else is really coming to mind. I went to Vegas last month and got to see my good buddy, Vegas Heather. Phoenix and I got to party with her while we were up there. I had a minor slip-up and smoked while I was drunk. I probably smoked the equivalent of two cigarettes. I haven't smoked since, so I don't really count it as smoking again, but Phoenix says that I am not allowed to say I stopped smoking almost a year and half ago anymore. BAH! Whatever. I needed that weekend away. It felt nice to just relax and have a good time.

I finally got my provisional teaching certificate for AZ. I have been applying for teaching positions here. So, we'll see what happens. I'm hoping something comes through. I need a break here.

Okay, I'm out of here. I have written so much more than I planned on.