Saturday, September 8, 2012

The girliest of girls and other ramblings...

Because we are gluttons for punishment, we are back up to having three kids in the house. We still have Chuck (the 16 month old baby), but now we've added two little girls to that mixture. Like about a week and a half ago, we got a six year old and a four year old. We shall call them Ariel and Rapunzel, respectively, as this is what they told us they want to be called. This should teach Phoenix not to ask little kids, "What do you want to be called?" Although, she then turned to me and said, "There, now you have names for your blog." Haha! I get it though--If someone asked me what they should call me, I'd reply, "Master...Madame know...whatever." Bwahahaha! Anyway, so here's what I've learned about 4 and 6 year old girls--They don't stop talking!! These girls start talking as soon as they wake up and don't stop until they finally pass out. I talk on the phone all day at work, but I will guarantee that these two girls talk WAY more than I do and that's saying something!
Somehow, we ended up with a couple of the girliest girls I've ever met. These are little girls who come home and immediately take off their tennis shoes to put on their play high heels, which they will wear until bedtime. I'm not even sure I ever owned a pair of play heels and I certainly didn't wear my mom's heels and not just because she didn't have the cool hooker heels I wanted to wear, but also because I'm pretty sure my foot was bigger than hers by the time I was walking. *shakes fist angrily at big feet* Like I'm positive the only place I can find heels in my size would be at a drag queen shop. No joke. These are the joys of wearing a man's 11 or 11 1/2. This is probably half my battle with being clumsy. You try walking around with clown feet and tell me how that works out for you. But I digress...These girls want to wear little headbands with froofy (is that how you spell that? You know what I mean...) bows and barrettes (I just had to spell check that word because I wasn't sure that was right. I suppose that shows how non-girly I am.) and they're just so...girly. I don't know how to deal with these girls. Last weekend I had to do their hair and they both wanted pigtails. Dude, seriously? (I know you guys are trying to picture this!) It took a while, but I got their hair in pigtails...and evenly on the side of their heads. I had joked with them when they first arrived, asking if I could wear their headbands, but they just laughed at me. Do people not get that I now have short hair for a reason? I mean, let's look at my favorite hairstyles for a moment...Forever, I had just straight hair that was either just straight and hanging like a hippie or pulled up. I loved that hairdo. It was so easy. Then, recently, I chopped it all off and I like this better. I use less hair product and I style it in like a minute. This is why guys have short hair--it's so easy! So, for us to get these girls who are like, "Let's brush my hair!" I find myself trying not to roll my eyes. This is definitely a learning experience, but what I like about these kids (And Phoenix does as well) is that they play with the toys...All the other kids we've gotten want to watch TV 24/7 and these kids play and use their imaginations! Hence all the talking...
One other thing worth mentioning with these kids is how they want to help with Chuck all the time. Chuck still doesn't seem to know what to do with the girls and I think he's a little pissed that other people are playing with HIS toys. It seems to hit him at random times like they're all playing fine and suddenly he remembers that he likes that teddy bear, so he will scream and fight until they give it up. I feel bad when I tell him no and remove him from the situation, sitting him away from the girls for a moment to stop the drama and he cries, but it always looks like his feelings are hurt. Like you can see when he cries because he's mad or whatever, but this is like I've hurt his feelings. Kids make no sense...And I don't ever seem to know what to do with them all. Phoenix thinks it's amusing that Chuck loves to read (And at times can be found in his crib flipping through a book instead of sleeping at night.) and will sit with me at my computer listening to music or watching music videos. Now, the girls want to watch videos with me as well. Chuck's new favorite video in addition to Mahna Mahna, is Coin-Operated Boy from The Dresden Dolls. I think little kids like it because of the sing-song melody. *shrugs* Who cares? It keeps him from freaking out! However, with the kids wanting to watch videos, it cuts into my writing time...It is nice though that they all like music so we can blast the tunes as we drive places. I do find myself wondering though as we listen to the radio (Not even my iPod, but stuff on public radio) that maybe we don't listen to the best of songs...C'mon, Flo Rider's Whistle song is HORRIBLY disgusting, but rather catchy. Or this morning as we drove to daycare, the kids were trying to sing along with the All American Rejects, Gives You Hell. Probably not the best song for kids to sing especially as Ariel calls out, "He just said a bad word!" But that didn't seem to stop her from saying "'ell" as though she had a cockney accent. C'mon, kids, there's an H in it! Let's enunciate! *grins* I've had similar thoughts in my music taste as we listened to Blister in the Sun, Pink's Blow Me (One Last Kiss), Little Lion Man from Mumford and Sons, and well, you get the idea. *shrugs* I can't help it though...This is what I like to listen to. Sometimes being a grown-up sort of sucks, but I'm not giving up my music. Bwahaha!

One of Phoenix's friends had joked that I should write a book about our experiences in foster care and Phoenix was thinking that maybe that would be a good idea...Like she wants me to write the book from my point of view and share some of the crazy ass stories of my interactions with the kids. A lot more happens than what I blog about. I couldn't possibly keep up with the crazy conversations I end up in the middle of with these kids. I'm sure there are laws about this sort of thing, but I wonder if I change their names and never mention their parents if it would be possible....Who knows? I did find myself wondering though if some people would be turned off by the book though (And maybe show up at my house burning crosses, bearing Holy Water to exorcise my demons, or with pitch forks and other weapons to murder me) because it's written about two lesbians raising other people's kids. Here's my theory though--two straight people had these kids and fucked up enough that the state stepped in and took their kids away. I mean, really, we're ahead of those people simply because we don't have drug problems, domestic violence charges, or any other legal problems.
On a side note, is anyone else sick of all the political bullshit people are posting on Facebook? I get it--it's an election year and everyone feels the need to share their political standings, but let's get real for a moment, okay? This is the same election as it is every four years--We are asked to choose the lesser of the two evils. At no point ever have I been like, "That guy! I love that guy!" Well, I did love Sarah Palin, but only because she made for some hilarious jokes and Tina Fey did a fabulous job impersonating her. But yeah, I didn't like her politics. While we're getting real, let's look at the facts. We have Obama who hasn't done a whole lot in four years, but at least he wasn't trying to take away rights from people. And then we have Mitt Romney, who first of all has a stupid fucking name. Who names their kid Mitt?? That's something you play baseball with. *rolls eyes* His parents are idiots in my eyes for such a lame ass name. But anyway, so he's all super conservative, Bible-thumper, who wants to come in and rule with his Mormon/Christian beliefs meaning doing things like defining marriage as something between one man and one woman (I wonder if that's hard for a guy like himself to say since Mormons were all for polygamy before.). I'm not sure what you all were doing when we took history in high school, but I remember it being clearly said that there is a separation of church and state. Let's take a walk down a historical path for a moment....The pilgrims came to America because they were separatists and didn't want to be Church of England. We all know the English made everyone be Church of England and if you weren't, there was something wrong with you. So, the pilgrims said, "Peace, England!" and set sail for the New World where they would have religious freedom, but of course we know this didn't happen. Despite best efforts of setting up a government where religion wouldn't rule (You don't like my God? Well, you're the devil!), we still ended up fucking it all up. We always find a group of people to persecute because even though as a settlement, we were like, "We don't want to be Church of England. We will make up our own country." We still ended up just like them in that if you are different, in any way, we will persecute you. If you think I'm lying, read your history-- Salem Witch Trials, Joseph McCarthy's own version of the Witch Trials only we called it Communism then instead of Satan Worshiping, Slavery, Black Rights, Women's rights, our own concentration camps we had with Asians during WWII, etc...It just doesn't stop and yet here we are, a so-called educated country, and we're still doing it. Although, this time, we are allowing our politicians to quote random Bible passages and calling all us gays sinners. So, to you who will vote for people who are so quick to take away my rights, I want to share a quotation that I shared on my Facebook page yesterday...
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Yeah, this was said by a dude who was once a Nazi sympathizer turned Anti-Nazi who ended up being held at a death camp until he was rescued or whatever, but think about it. I sure as hell don't get to vote on your rights, but you get to vote on mine. Am I any different than you? I get up each morning and put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you. I go to work and earn a living, just like you. How do you get to judge that my love for Phoenix is any different than the love you feel for your own significant other? I just don't get it, but go ahead...Vote for the asshole who is going to take away gay rights, who is going to make abortion illegal (I'm not an abortion supporter, but we all know that if it is completely outlawed like he wants, we'll end up with those back-alley abortion doctors we had in years past and we'll go back to women dying from infections and botched jobs. History, as we all know, repeats itself.), who will set our country back so many years...Just remember, when they come after you, and they just might one day, no one will be left to help you because you didn't help anyone else.
*steps down off soapbox* All right, that's all from me...I have a horrible sore throat and feel like shit. I'm going to go lay on my couch and watch gay/lesbian movies on Netflix. Don't even get me started on Hollywood's idea of a lesbian...

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