Thursday, October 25, 2012

They had it coming...

I've sat here for over an hour and everything I've typed I've erased because I am afraid I'm going to hurt someones feelings...I'll never understand why I even care about hurting people's feelings when they never seem to care about hurting mine, but I do. So, instead of venting, which is what I really need to do, I'm going to tell you a story of something that happened yesterday...

So, I had to go shopping with Phoenix yesterday after work...Well, not really "had to", but I chose to because she was going to Costco and she'd spend all our money if I didn't go to monitor her. Anyway, I got off work and drove the short distance to the store and scored parking like right up front. Usually, I'm stuck parking in Timbuktu, so it was cool. We walked through the store pretty quickly and only ended up with a couple of things we didn't plan on, but still managed to get out for under $100, which is always amazing! As we walked out, we decided to go hit up Walmart next because because I had to buy a black tie and a black hat for my Blues Brother costume I wore to work today (We dressed up today...I don't know why we did it a week in advance, but we did.). She walked out to her van while I went back to my truck. As I walked up, this bitch (Don't judge me! She deserves to be called that!) is pushing her now empty cart over next to my truck door and walking away from it. I was like, "Hey! Hey! NO! What're you doing?" She looked back at me and hurried to her car. She was the passenger in this itty bitty car that I could've flipped on its roof and spun like a top...Seriously. I don't get why people want to drive matchbox cars. Anyway, her window was down and I was like, "Hey, bitch! Thanks! Thanks so much for your fucking cart!" Her cart was blocking my door and since there was a planter in front of my truck, there was no where to move the cart and now I can't get in my truck without moving her cart elsewhere. When she rolled her eyes and called me rude, I lost it. I was like, "Fuck you! Here's your fucking cart back, bitch!" I then proceeded to roll the cart right behind their stupid little car as the driver was putting it in reverse. The driver had to put the car in park and move the cart. Bwahahahahaha! Fucking idiots! I got into my truck and started to back out even as the driver screamed at me calling me a bitch and rude. Dude, really? Her stupid fucking friend blocked my truck, even as I called out. Why in the hell am I the rude one? They had no problem inconveniencing me and yet I'm rude when I put them out. Yeah, that makes no sense. I was pretty immature to stoop to their level, I suppose, but I'm so sick of people being assholes to me. I'm just done with it...They had it coming though. I mean, who blocks someone else's car door, even as they're walking up??? *walks off whistling Cell Block Tango (He had it coming) from Chicago*

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