Saturday, March 9, 2013

"I see a beehive!"

This morning when I was taking the kids to daycare, they were in the backseat all talking crap to each other. I suppose it's normal that they argue with each other constantly, but it drives me completely nuts. And they argue about the dumbest crap. "I saw the red light first!" "No, I did!" And I'm like, "I'm pretty sure I saw it first since I stopped in time." The sarcasm is lost on them...Although sometimes I think Rapunzel gets it because she'll laugh. I'm not sure how the four year old catches on, but the older two are oblivious...
Anyway, this morning, we are cruising down the road leading to the freeway and we are passing by some farm-type houses. The kids say they're farms, but really, they're just older homes on big chunks of property with horses...and maybe a barn. I have yet to see a cow or chickens over there...Or fields of crops. The crops are by our house, but not connected to an actual farm. But I digress...So, we're driving and Rapunzel is like, "Look! A farm! I saw it first!" Nook says, "No, I did. I see a raven though." Ariel and Rapunzel ask, "What's a raven?" Nook replies, "It's a big black bird." I was surprised that he knew that, but I nodded in agreement because he was definitely right. And then the funny part of the conversation started...
Ariel-- "I see a beehive!"<br>
Nook-- "A beehive? You can't see a beehive!" <br>
Ariel-- "Oh, no...A nest. I see a nest. It's in that tree over there." *she points*<br>
Nook-- "You can't see a nest in a tree. It's way up high! You can't see it. Stop lying!" <br>
Ariel-- "Yes, I can! I'm not deaf!" <br>
*I burst into laughter*<br>
Nook-- "Deaf means you can't talk!"<br>
Me-- "Deaf means you can't hear. I think you meant blind."<br>
Ariel-- *giggling* "Oh. I am not blind." <br>
Meanwhile, during all of this, Rapunzel was strangely silent...I'm pretty sure that she was back there working out her final plans for world domination. I'm like 99% sure that's what she does whenever she's quiet...

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