Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Fellow Americans...

Dear Fellow Americans,

If you refuse to pull your heads out of your rears, I will be forced to take action...And by action, I mean that you should expect to see me running around bashing people upside the head with a nine iron. *grins* Seriously.


The White Spy

All joking aside, I am so over the bullshit that people pull all the time. I'm done with it. I want no part in the drama. (Save it for your mama.) I have never been much for ass kissing and I don't expect to change in the near future. I do not take being talked down to lightly; I may not say it then, but eventually, I'll exact my revenge. Just because I work at Walmart, does not mean I am a personal slave to whatever white-trash, welfare receiving, fourteen baby-daddy, crack-dealing biotch that walks in the door. (I am also not slaves to their baby-daddies/boyfriends/dads/brothers either.) And because I am who I am, I am going to lose my damn mind soon...Allow me to explain...

I hate when people act like they can talk down to me. The one manager, umm...We'll call him Asia, not because he's Asian or anything *shifty eyes*, but for the lack of a better term. Anyway, so Asia thinks it's all right to talk down to me and to act like a complete ass monkey for the hell of it. Yesterday, he felt it was acceptable to pull me aside and tell me that the way I put labels on the products really "pisses" him off and that it's wrong. When I pointed out that no one had ever shown me how to put the labels on the bakery items, which I am not responsible for cooking, frosting, and boxing up (even though I frost them and box them constantly lately since our bakery girls have their heads up their asses all the time), he blew me off by saying, "Then don't do it!" I then said, "But you said that everything made each day needs to be labeled. So, if they're here and not done when I'm closing, I have to do it!" He didn't like this and I apparently only pissed him off some more. Whatever. I listened to him go on and on and on and on *yawn* and on. And it took me four times of asking before he finally showed me his way of putting labels on. *rolls eyes* Today when I went in, he was happy to see me because he knew I would get stuff done, even though he seems to think I'm incompetent. To be a bitch, I worked slowly today and double checked all of my labels with him. This didn't make him happy in the least, but he had nothing to bitch about...for once.

At my work, it has come to my attention, and to Tortilla's too, that the new girl, Smokey Jr., used to date the manager Smokey's grandson. And the grandson is trying to get back with Smokey Jr. even though she has a man. *rolls eyes* Apparently, this is how she got her job. I'm also wondering if it's her connections that have lead her to have my hours and, in the next couple of weeks when they start using a computer to "create the schedules" (I think the managers are full of shit, but whatever...), she'll totally have around 30 hours and I'll have 16. I would like to take Smokey Jr. and snap her bony little body over my knee. It's complete crap that she should get preferential treatment. I was told today that if I want more hours, I'd better be available 24/7. Umm...No. In fact, HELL NO! It's not fair. I know, life isn't fair, but this isn't the way it's supposed to be in a workplace. And the store manager seems to be in on it since it was him who told me about the cut in my hours and that I should be available all the time...*grits teeth*

Recently, I've realized that we have customers who come along and make us work, even though they have no real need of deli meat and probably won't even purchase it. I had a customer do that today...He came in and got a pound of turkey, half a pound of roast beef, three-quarters a pound of black forest ham, a pound of shaved Genoa Salami, two pounds of white American cheese sliced very, very thin, a half pound of baby Swiss, and four thick slices of Provolone cheese. Seriously, it was a lot of crap. Thirty minutes after I had done it all, Cart-boy came along and brought a bag of the deli meats and such I had cut. He said, "The guy didn't have enough, so he decided not to get this." WTF!? Are you kidding me? Jackass Asia is screaming at us daily about waste and now we have to throw all this away? Luckily, Asia was there to hear that the guy didn't want it, but then he had the balls to look at me and ask, "Did you cut this for him?" I said, "Yeah. Unfortunately, I didn't ask him how much money he had before I sliced it all." Asia actually laughed and said, "People suck" before going back to his paperwork. Why in the hell did the man waste my time? He was such an ass monkey too, in the first place, because he kept giving me a hard time about how he wanted everything cut and how he had never seen me before. I explained that I worked nights and he said, "Oh. Well. Why would they have you here in the daytime?" When I said that I didn't know, he said he didn't know either. WTF ever. I'm sure he was thinking he was insulting me, but really, how pathetic does one's life have to be to get off on insulting the deli girl?

The customer that took the cake today was the woman who, as I was walking out of the deli to go on my fifteen minute break, yelled, "Hey, hey you!" as she snapped her fingers at me. When I looked over at her over the case of cakes that separates part of the "bakery" from the customers, I asked, "Yeah?" She asked, "Do you work back here or what?" It took everything in me not to reply, "Or what" and walk off. Instead, I said, "Yes, ma'am. Did you need something?" (We don't typically help people there since it's not the counter...And because there was a line at the deli and this woman was obviously trying to avoid waiting. She said, "Yeah, I thought so and you were just going to ignore me." I said, "No, I was going on my break and there are two other people working back here. I've been here all day and I'd like to sit down for a moment. But I can wait. How can I help you?" She rolled her eyes and said, "Get me a loaf of hot French Bread." I got her the bread and I refrained from dropping it on the ground, smashing it, or otherwise harming it before handing it over...I'm not going to say the thought to screw up her bread didn't cross my mind, but I didn't do anything. I gave it to her and said, "Here you go. Have a great night." She walked off talking shit about how I can go sit on my ass now...Where do people get off acting like this? I'm over it. People need not act like that.

So, if I end up fired (or when I end up fired, rather), do not be surprised...And let's all just hope it's because I finally told off one of the bastards who thinks it's okay to tell me how to do my job...Or perhaps a manager. I'm so over my job.

1 comment:

  1. I would hate for you to be jobless, but I have to admit I am looking forward to the blog that will reveal the incident if/when it happens. Sorry, my life is stressful and I enjoy your writing. I love you and will keep you in my prayers.
    Smooches from your momma
