Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peace be with you

Okay, so I decided that today would be the day I would blog. I know, it's been a while and trust me when I say that I have not been okay with not blogging. I mentally write blogs all day long, every day, but I never sit down to write them. I've even been thinking about V-logging, but again, I'm apparently lazy or something because I just don't do anything. I suppose this is all beside the point though, right? The point is, I'm freakin' blogging! I'd like to thank Cold Play for that. I am listening to Viva La Vida right now and I swear, I feel like I can take over the world while listening to this song! (What are we doing tonight, Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky--Try to take over the world!) Am I the only who feels that way? Surely not...

Moving on...Let's get caught up, shall we? So, my left knee is just about completely healed. I would include pics of the mini scars I am left with, but my camera is down in the car and as mentioned above, I'm lazy. Well, that and another reason I'll get to shortly. I've been going to physical therapy twice a week for a month now and my knee is getting strong again. It's nice to be able to go up and down stairs and not have my knee feel as though it's going to give out, lock up, etc on me. And as I mentioned, I only have three small scars. They're still bright pink, but I know they'll fade. I'm happy with the overall result.

So, I also don't want to go downstairs because I have a broken tooth and walking around, working out, running up and down stairs, etc hurts it more. It just sounds so ghetto to say that. Like I keep picturing some snaggle-toothed tweaker or something. Whatever. You can't see the broken tooth, but if they pull it, you'll be able to see when I smile. Anyway, the tooth had been cracked and then chipped a while back. I kept meaning to go to the dentist, but I was more concerned with paying off our trip to New York, you know? Plus, it didn't hurt. Then it started getting worse. I decided I would make an appointment after I got paid. I got paid last Thursday and didn't call...Apparently, I should've. On Saturday morning, I was getting ready to go to a First Holy Communion and I was drinking ice tea. I took a sip and OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY IN THIS WORLD I felt as though someone stabbed me in the tooth with a huge butcher knife and then shoved some glass in there for good measure. I actually felt light-headed it hurt so freakin' bad. I went to brush my teeth in hopes of making it go away. This didn't help. Whilst swishing Listerine around in my mouth, it occurred to me that I should've called the dentist sooner. Don't give me that look; we all put stuff off! Can I just tell you how hard it is to sit through a holy communion and confirmation when your face is hurting and your entire mouth is throbbing??? It's hard. Luckily, I go to the doctor tomorrow...Here's to hoping they don't have to pull the tooth. I'm good with a crown...

So, Catholic Church...I don't get it. I've only ever been to a Catholic church for a funeral...I've never sat through Mass or any of that before. Allow me to share some of my impressions of this church with you. Firstly, why in the heck is the priest dude called "Very Reverend" and then his name??? Like he's not just a reverend, but very much a reverend? I was so confused. I almost raised my hand to ask, but decided it was probably better not to. Plus, my face hurt. Secondly, why in the hell do we have to stand, sit, stand, kneel, sit, stand, put my left foot in, take my left foot out, shake hands, sit, etc? Okay, maybe there was no Hokey Pokey, but you know what I mean! Yes, I know, it's to keep me awake, right? Or is it that the Catholic church is doing their part to fight obesity? Whatever. All I know is that I couldn't keep up and it only made my face throb more. What's up with the Priest dude (Yes, that's what I call him! And no, I'm not going to go to hell for that!) saying stuff in a sing-song voice? And the bells? OMG! I thought someone's phone was going off! (By the way, Phoenix was incredibly amused by my reactions as I watched it all. She said I looked scared.) Here's my biggest question-- Why is it that when their choir sang some song, I found myself immediately picturing some horrible murder scene like in a movie? Seriously, I was picturing blood splattering up a wall (as though someone was being stabbed or hit with a baseball bat or something) and then the scene would cut back to the church singers with a girl belting out some part of the song, then back to the murder scene. As I found myself feeling guilty for thinking this, Phoenix leans over and whispers, "I'm totally picturing a murder scene!" Of course, I told her she was going to hell, crossed myself, and scooted away from her. lol It must've been in a movie though. Weird, huh? Perhaps the Devil's Advocate? Hmm...I don't know. All in all, Catholic church was an experience in and of itself. I don't get it. It's all so ritualistic. Like our church has a routine, but we haven't been taught to say certain things at certain times like "Peace be with you" or the other things they say. It all felt so cult-ish. I know, some people are going to be pissed at me for saying that, but just stop and think about it. I have NEVER in my life been to a Catholic mass. It was a strange experience. Now though, I want to go see other churches and how their message is delivered. It's interesting to compare and contrast.

What else is new? Umm...Nothing else is really coming to mind. I went to Vegas last month and got to see my good buddy, Vegas Heather. Phoenix and I got to party with her while we were up there. I had a minor slip-up and smoked while I was drunk. I probably smoked the equivalent of two cigarettes. I haven't smoked since, so I don't really count it as smoking again, but Phoenix says that I am not allowed to say I stopped smoking almost a year and half ago anymore. BAH! Whatever. I needed that weekend away. It felt nice to just relax and have a good time.

I finally got my provisional teaching certificate for AZ. I have been applying for teaching positions here. So, we'll see what happens. I'm hoping something comes through. I need a break here.

Okay, I'm out of here. I have written so much more than I planned on.

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