Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spinning my wheels...

So, it's been four days since my last post...I've been waiting to hear from the bank, but I figured it'd be closer to the end of the week before I'd hear anything. Phoenix keeps asking, "Any emails? Anything?" And I say, "Nope..." I'm not holding my breath. I know it's going to take some time. I get it. I'll probably get a yes or no the day before closing. Yup, I just know that's how things go. Perhaps they'll even drag this out for another month or two, just for shits and giggles. *grins* Yup, I'm in if for the long haul because those fuckers have $1,000 of my money on top of the $600 I've already put out. So, yeah...

Today was a bit of a rough day at work. I got some shitty calls and I'm so over getting shitty surveys from people because they don't like our policies. Look, I can't lower your interest rate when you're late, repeatedly. I can't change how you make payments on your charge card just because you over spent while in Vegas and can't afford to pay what you spent. It's not cool to send in these surveys, rating the employee so low, because you hate what you heard. To those people, I say, "Fuck off!" I'm so over it. I was riding at number one on my team and now I'm number two with someone literally a third of a point below me. So, it was not such a good day despite the fact that my bosses boss was telling me how good I've been doing, despite the shitty surveys. So, when they loaded "downtime" for the day, I said, "Peace" and left two hours early.

Phoenix was going to go to "Noble Tuesday" with her nieces, so I told her to just go and I would walk across the street from work to Starbucks to write. I was super excited about this because I just need some "me" time. I was in the middle of writing when my phone went off. I answered it to find that it was the loan processor lady from the bank. She starts to tell me this, "So, we got an approval on the loan. There's just a couple of conditions." I was like, "Wait...What? What conditions?" She said, "I can email them to you if you want." I was like, "Well that's fine, but you can just tell me now." She says, "Well, we need you to explain this late payment for a student loan. And we need your pay stubs--" I cut her off. "Wait, I went over all this last Friday. I went down to the bank and we did all this. Didn't you get this?" Turns out she was out sick...So, apparently, my info has been sitting in her inbox since Friday and no one has done shit! She said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I do have an email here. I'll go through this and if I need anything else, I'll email you." Yeah, you do that. *pounds head into table* WTF? My shit has been sitting there! I was supposed to get an answer by the end of the week and now it's just been sitting there for the last few days. It just sucks. I know that everyone says that it's a crazy ride, this whole buying a house thing, but honestly, I'm over it. I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of fucking morons who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Why can't people do their jobs? When I go to work, I have shit to do. If I have stuff to follow up on, I have to do it. It's expected of me. Perhaps I should go work for Chase so I can spend my days fucking around and not checking my email.

So, in the middle of all this shit, it only gets better...Phoenix came to me last week or something (And yes, it's just been eating me up inside since then) and tells me that her evil friend (Insert Evil Friend Name Here) emailed her via Facebook to say that Phoenix's evil ex (Insert Evil Ex's Name here...Also known as the name of the devil...The same as my fuck face father. <~~~ That's right...I get alliteration points for that one!) emailed said Evil Friend to ask her to contact Phoenix to ask for an address to send Phoenix some "family pictures" she came across while she was packing to move again. (Knowing my luck, she's probably moving to a house across the street from the house I'm trying to buy...And if that's the case, I will blow that bitch's house down like I'm the Big Bad Wolf. *straight face* I'm not even playing. Fuck that dumb bitch.) So, Phoenix tells me this and it takes everything in me not to flip out. Yes, I'm so happy she told me and was honest about it, but seriously? This is the exact time that Evil Ex wants to make contact? Didn't she take it as a fucking hint that she's blocked from Pheonix's Facebook page??? Seriously, she's blocked. If you can't email someone, take it as a hint to stay the fuck away...I'm just saying. So, Phoenix is like, "I'm just going to use my mom's house address." Oh good, let's lead her to where we live...*rolls eyes* I pointed out that the pictures probably aren't her family pics like she thought, but perhaps "family" pics of her and the ex...She said I was wrong, but we'll just see about that, won't we? She never told me when she emailed her friend back (Although, I just asked her right now and she said, "Like that next day...Or the day after. Sometime last week." Oh goody...Just as I thought. She couldn't help herself. Apparently, she told her friend to send them here and to tell her to keep any pics that have her in them. I doubt she'll do that...She's EVIL!) . Today, when we got home from work, there was a Fed Ex note on the front door saying that they had come by and needed a signature for the package. They said if we sign the sticker and leave it, they'll leave the package tomorrow. *cringes* I'm not expecting a package and neither is Phoenix's mom. It's the pictures, I just know it. And I'm willing to bet that there's going to be some lame ass letter in there too. One of the last times she emailed Phoenix, she was like, "It's Valentine's Day and I'm so melancholy..." And other stupid lame bullshit that dumb, evil bitches say. We have been together for almost three years and this bitch just won't stay gone. Seriously. GO AWAY! Exs are exs for a reason. Live and let live. If I came across pictures of my ex (Which, thankfully, I don't have any), I'd be like, "Whatever" and probably throw them away because that's how much I fucking care. I wouldn't be like, "Hey!! I've got some pics! Want them?" Why now? Why won't she just go away? I don't need this...I don't need any of this.

So, when you all see me on the 6 o'clock news as the crazy lady who was found in a Cold Stone Creamery, eating the ice cream from the case with a spoon in one hand, a cigarette in the other, and a bottle of Vodka nearby, you'll know why...Things just don't get better. It's like I'm sitting here, spinning my wheels, and I can't get any further in my life. I'm stuck at a shitty job where my boss can't see how good I am. I'm in a relationship where my girl's ex can't just stay away. And my bank has me dangling on a string like I'm fucking Pinocchio waiting for a yes, no, or maybe so. I'm over it all. Most of all, I'm over the fucking ex. I wonder how much longer I'm supposed to wait before I get to stand up and say, "Bitch please...Get to steppin'. Go peddle crazy somewhere else because we're full up here." I've sat back, quietly, these almost three years while this bitch has come and gone, sending emails, trying to call my girl, etc...I'm done. Phoenix has changed her phone number like three times since we got together because of this girl. At some point in time, this bitch needs to know it's not okay and that time is now. We'll see what's in the package and then we'll see what happens next. I'm done biting my tongue.

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