Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fuck this shit...

I had said in my previous blog that I couldn't allow myself to get the point where I'm like, "Fuck this shit." Unfortunately, I got there last night. I didn't get the job and yet the evil bitch who was up for it against me did. I get that life isn't fair, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense at all. When someone is going around work telling everyone "I killed it! It's in the bag!" and that she has NOOOOOOO competition even though like 30 of us interviewed for the job, they should be put in their place and humbled. God knows every time I let my ego start to get the best of me, I trip and land flat on my face or someone comes along to remind me that I'm a nerd. It's the story of my life. *sigh* All they've done is reinforced that it's all about who's ass you kiss and not how hard you work. I work my ass off and have recently done so much extra shit for my boss and for what? It got me in some remedial workshop and a couple of interviews. *rolls eyes* Yeah, I'm jaded and I don't even care. Hard work isn't appreciated or rewarded, it's just abused. So to all of that shit, I say, "Fuck this shit." I'm over it. I am done going out of my way since no one appreciates it. I'll do my "eight in the gate" and that's it. It's time to move along.

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