Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The election...

Dear friends,
This morning, Phoenix and I were talking as we each drove to work about the election last night. We both know that our families all most likely voted for Romney because, well, because they're Republicans. It's whatever. I'm not going to tell people they should change their opinions, but as we talked, Phoenix, who hates politics and normally won't discuss them at all, said that everyone has something they hold dear to them--like something that means the world to them. Some people hold onto religion for dear life. Others are anti-abortion and anti-everything else that suits them. Still other people support the military. And then there are gay people like Phoenix and me. If we don't care about our own rights, then who will? It's taken me years to chip away at Phoenix's not caring about our rights for her to get here, so this moment was huge for me. Even last night as she talked about it with me, I was cheering on the inside, "YES! I WIN! I GOT THROUGH!" Which just goes to show what a great teacher I am...It might've taken this long to get here, but we fucking got here! *grins* But seriously, if we don't care, then who will? And it's not even fair to call it "gay rights"...It's Human Rights and I'm so sick and tired of people telling me what's okay for a person like myself. Maybe you can look at me and know I'm a lesbian (Phoenix thinks that even blind/deaf people would know. No, I don't think Helen Keller would know I was gay if I simply walked in the room. *rolls eyes*), but I still put my pants on one leg at a time. I go to work each day (not mooching off the system). I have a house that I'm paying for and my own truck that I'm also paying for myself. I have created quite a life for myself. And you know what? I even take care of other people's kids. In some states, that's not okay. In some places, they think it's better to leave kids in orphanages or group homes instead of letting gay couples like Phoenix and myself take care of them. Are you cool with that? We all know that kids don't become gay because of who they hang out with...right? Straight people have been giving birth to gay children forever, folks. My parents are straight, as are Phoenix's. I have a friend at work who has a gay mom...And she's straight. So, let's not be stupid. Let's all agree that, as an average citizen, I'm an all right person. So then why is it okay to make me a second class citizen because I like women instead of men? 

I could not, as a self-respecting woman, vote for Romney. I just couldn't. If you hate me now because my politics don't match with yours, that's okay. You can stop talking to me and I'll survive. I mean, I wouldn't ask you to vote for someone who goes against your ideals. I get why people voted for Romney...If he supports the same things you support, then that makes sense. But I can't support someone who wants to take away rights from me. I just can't. And while you're getting so pissed off because gay marriage now passed in four more places, stop and ask yourself why the fuck you care so much. Really. If I got married to Phoenix, is that going to kill you? Is it going to make your marriage a lie or invalid? Is it going to make the sun fall out of the sky? Will the world end because I married a woman? It's doubtful...Plus the world is supposed to end soon anyway, so what's the big deal? I am totally fine with whomever you all voted for...And for the record, on the last go 'round, I didn't vote for Obama...So I wasn't a fan of his in the past. Just sayin'...Things change.
Peace out,

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